Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

If £165 a year tax is make or break for some people that's surprising as shelling out for an ev in the first place is that much more expensive than an ice. I agree completely with paying the VED.
I think if people genuinely believed that as more and more EV's came onto the road to replace ice cars and government revenue drops that they weren't going to do this were being a bit naive. Also to be fair why should we not pay
No £165 a year tax x2 in my case, is not a-make or break for me not at all, and I agree with what you said about us paying out a lot more money to purchase
EVs in the first place that’s what we where encourage to do and why there was incentives to do it in the first place on the grounds of reducing pollution and perhaps saving this planet for our children,or even for some of us.
I stand by what I wrote in #184 what happen on Thursday was not unexpected we all knew it would happen at some point but now is not the right time.
There is still far to many ICE vehicles on the road across the world, and what the government did is not going to encourage people to get shut of them once and for all, it’s just a very easy way to get some money back in the pot.

If they governments of the UK and the world really and truly wanted to help the environment they could have kept up the incentives to go electric in transport and homes, and made massive increases in taxes on ice vehicles and their fuels but they won’t do that it’s far to close to a general election and you can bet lots of meal tickets for some.

Smokie #186 thinks the extra tax to be place on the energy producers will have more of an effect on the shareholders divided than us the consumers, I don’t think so mate you can bet on that, you also say £165 not bad to use the roads, it will be very interesting to see how much the roads improve with this extra revenue from taxing EVs you also mention Fags/booze in your post so if a heftier tax was placed on them how many millions could that save by the NHS but it would be bad policy to do that with an election coming round of course.

4ND at #185 says he’s not sure how destroying the up take of EVs has occurred well perhaps I should have said slowed down the up take not destroyed, apologies, But it will be slowed down as the cost of owning one keep on increasing
Over the last few years you right in what you say no VED cheap or Free charging has been noted by everyone and enjoyed by many who took to EVs but as things are getting more and more expensive in these areas never mind the extra few grand to purchase one in the first place people will look at ICE vehicles again, and if you think ICE will be gone in about 8 years think again my friend there are more vehicles over ten years old on our roads today than there has ever been, why because they last many years longer than they every did in the past and probably will still be chucking out CO2 for the next 30 plus years if they are allowed to.

When I was a lad lots of goods of all kinds where moved around this country by steam trains and that wasn’t good ether but today we have electric trains and if we used them to move goods around the country from town to town city to city and then use electric vans to deliver goods in stead of massive fuel guzzling HGVs just think what a difference that could make

As for lacing my tread with children and there children the longer we keep on burning fossil fuels the sooner this planet comes to an end listen to the scientists a man of 96 Sir David Attenborough as no reason to feed us bullshit.
Am I an environmentalist no not really but I try to do my bit and at 76 I also care about what I might leave behind me.

You right about the people across the road and I feel for the likes of them also but you comment about EVs having to compete on there own merits I’m very sorry there is no competition which ever way you look at it.
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also you say £165 not bad to use the roads, it will be very interesting to see how much the roads improve with this extra revenue from taxing EVs you also mention Fags/booze in your post so if a heftier tax was placed on them how many millions could that save by the NHS but it would be bad policy to do that with an election coming round of course.
In 2022 there are 205k EVs registered in the UK. Once we start paying £165 road tax that will provide income of nearly £34m.

This Beeb article from 2011 suggests one mile of motorway costs £30m to build (assuming it's not urban, or up in teh air or in tunnels) I'm not sure whetrher that incldues land acquistion. The UK's last, great, expensive, short roads

The ThisIsMoney (which I think is part of the Daliy Wail and can therefore be safely taken as a headline grabbing over exaggeration) article from this year suggests repairing the current potholes will cost £12.6bn. Bill to fix pothole-plagued roads soars by almost a quarter to £12.6bn

So I'm not sure the impact of our £165 will be immediately visible... but that gives you some idea of what these things actually cost.

I mentioned fags and booze not in a tax context, but to point out that £165 a year for something really isn't much, in the scheme of today's prices. Even the TV licence is £159. I don't disagree regarding discouraging fags and booze with tax but they are already heavily taxed and it is unreasonable that some cars use the roads for free when others pay quite heavily.
As for lacing my tread with children and there children the longer we keep on burning fossil fuels the sooner this planet comes to an end listen to the scientists a man of 96 Sir David Attenborough as no reason to feed us bullsh*t.
lol if you listen to that licence payed, propaganda warrior, there is no hope :eek:
If they governments of the UK and the world really and truly wanted to help the environment they could have kept up the incentives to go electric in transport and homes, and made massive increases in taxes on ice vehicles and their fuels but they won’t do that it’s far to close to a general election and you can bet lots of meal tickets for some.
'Massive increases in taxes' on the types of vehicles which you most likely owned for years and years and years and years and years and years and years, but didn't pay massive taxes on? So someone who can't afford an EV, even if they wanted one, should pay 'massive increase in taxes', of the sort of which you didn't pay for half a century (as, like now, they were just 'regularly taxed'), on the car which they use to go to work and keep society ticking over.
I stand by what I wrote in #184 what happen on Thursday was not unexpected we all knew it would happen at some point but now is not the right time.
The thing is, 'incentives' are handouts from tax payers' money pot, and the tax payer may well think now IS the right time.

I'm sure there would be lots of things in life I'd love to keep if someone else was paying for them for me.
It isn’t tax payer’s money any more, they get no say in how it is spent. In reality it is controlled by a handful of people in government and officialdom.
Where do they (the Gov't) get 'their' money from? It don't fall from the sky.
It's always been how a few people in the cabinet, or on councils, decide how to spend it.
The thing is, 'incentives' are handouts from tax payers' money pot, and the tax payer may well think now IS the right time.

I'm sure there would be lots of things in life I'd love to keep if someone else was paying for them for me.
Aren't we all tax payers?
Aren't we all tax payers?
Yes, and hence all should have a voice (technically they do at the ballot box). So you could look at it as EV tax paying/former tax paying owners of the very recent past had their tax payer grant to help to buy the car; had a tax payer grant to pay most of their home charger and installation; had free electricity in a number of places when out and about; had a good scrappage scheme; had free/no car tax.
So maybe now time for non EV tax payers/former tax payers to have their turn, and not continue to subsidise them.
A lot of the tone of the thread seems to be some EV owners don't like paying out their pocket anymore for stuff which used to be free. Understandable, but a bit tuff luck .
Yes, and hence all should have a voice (technically they do at the ballot box). So you could look at it as EV tax paying/former tax paying owners of the very recent past had their tax payer grant to help to buy the car; had a tax payer grant to pay most of their home charger and installation; had free electricity in a number of places when out and about; had a good scrappage scheme; had free/no car tax.
So maybe now time for non EV tax payers/former tax payers to have their turn, and not continue to subsidise them.
A lot of the tone of the thread seems to be some EV owners don't like paying out their pocket anymore for stuff which used to be free. Understandable, but a bit tuff luck .
Yes, and hence all should have a voice (technically they do at the ballot box)
Correct I agree.

Had their tax payer grant to help to buy the car; Sorry was given an incentive to change.

had free electricity in a number of places when out and about;
Some times I did use that very true and who wouldn’t when shopping in the stores great while it lasted I have to admit.

had a good scrappage scheme;
never had that my diesel was far to good to scrap so was traded in still on the road today actually I’ve seen it from time to time lovely car it is.

had free/no car tax. True I did and why would I, say no to that.

So can we now put an end to all this political crap and get back to what this forum is all about that being electric vehicles in particular.
So can we now put an end to all this political crap
After using all sorts of rhetoric about saving planets, children and their children, Saint David, and all sorts of recommendations of tax payer incentives, agreed :)
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