Update time...and I'm now moving from mildly annoyed to properly ticked off.
Pulled the 12V battery for 36 hours while I gave it a proper out of vehicle charge.
Took the full battery, plus a booster, before Car Scanner could clear the faults and get it running.
Left it for a few days, because work, but it still worked every time I went out to start it up.
Took it into MG Rutherglen today, maybe a 15 mile drive...
Never made it. VCS fault, HV disconnect, and trickled to a stop just off the motorway.
Now the kicker. The last service was due around the same time it last broke down. The time when MG decided it had to go to Longbridge. somewhere in amongst all that, between MG and their service dealer at Linwood, nobody renewed my MG Assistance ???
This will be an interesting conversation when I finally get it back to MG.
And from what I can tell, the 12V system is shot. After 30 mins with the hazards running, I got this message...a 63Ah battery should not drain after 30 mins of minimal current drain.