Buying any new car unless you’re in an exceptional market (which has now ended) comes with a huge cost in terms of depreciation.
Good advice is; don’t buy a new car if you don’t want to lose a lot on the purchase cost.
Early adopters of EV’s are also paying a premium. So there are two big factors that mean sooner or later you’re going to take a big hit on your new car value.
As cheaper models of EV’s, offering good range (which is key), emerge, the used EV market will also be further affected.
The current cost of EV’s is being held artificially high by manufacturers (not offering any discounts) because they can get away with it at the moment. As cheaper competitors come along new prices will fall and discounts will filter back in.
The crazy high cost of rapid charging is also a factor that makes EV‘s reliant on DC network charging no cheaper to run than a good ICE.
The fictitious service requirements for an EV, built in by the industry to try to protect revenue, also adds in unnecessary running costs.
More price disruptors like the MG4 can only be a good thing.