MG5 EV (Facelift) Module Software Versions

just had the following updated by the dealer: BMS, EVCC, VCU. Unfortunately it seems that carscanner cannot read any of these ECUs, as there is no change at all in any of the components that it shows; the output is identical before and after the change.

Are there any CarScanner Pro users on here? If so, perhaps you could request an update that included these critical ECUs. Indicate to them that this is a capability that is sorely needed.

I don't suppose that eZS works well enough to be used for this on the MG5? Even if it gets a few ECU addresses wrong, I can actually produce a patched version, IF I know the correct addresses. I can even guide a reasonably tech savvy user on how to get these addresses if needed. Unfortunately, the result is an Android-specific file that has to be loaded specially. But that's a once-off pain.

If time pressure eases off soon, I might still pay for CanScanner Pro and see if something can be modified. That would likely be the best way, for those that want to know the status of their firmware. It may even help speed up the firmware updating, since in some (perhaps many?) cases it may turn out that only 1 or 2 of the three firmwares actually needs updating.

Are there any CarScanner Pro users on here? If so, perhaps you could request an update that included these critical ECUs. Indicate to them that this is a capability that is sorely needed.

I might still pay for CanScanner Pro and see if something can be modified. That would likely be the best way, f...
I have pro but no connection to the car........ however I seem to remember the cost to upgrade to Pro was tiny.

Are there any CarScanner Pro users on here? If so, perhaps you could request an update that included these critical ECUs. Indicate to them that this is a capability that is sorely needed.

I don't suppose that eZS works well enough to be used for this on the MG5? Even if it gets a few ECU addresses wrong, I can actually produce a patched version, IF I know the correct addresses. I can even guide a reasonably tech savvy user on how to get these addresses if needed. Unfortunately, the result is an Android-specific file that has to be loaded specially. But that's a once-off pain.

If time pressure eases off soon, I might still pay for CanScanner Pro and see if something can be modified. That would likely be the best way, for those that want to know the status of their firmware. It may even help speed up the firmware updating, since in some (perhaps many?) cases it may turn out that only 1 or 2 of the three firmwares actually needs updating.

I use CarScanner Pro. What exactly should I ask for and how?

I use CarScanner Pro. What exactly should I ask for and how?
I submitted a request in the app using "Contact Developer".
I don't suppose that eZS works well enough to be used for this on the MG5? Even if it gets a few ECU addresses wrong, I can actually produce a patched version, IF I know the correct addresses. I can even guide a reasonably tech savvy user on how to get these addresses if needed. Unfortunately, the result is an Android-specific file that has to be loaded specially. But that's a once-off pain.
I’d try eZS but it’s not compatible with my old android phone I’m afraid…
(UPDATED with full results)
This is what I got from CarScanner. I'm not sure if it is very useful to anyone but its from my MG5 that has had an update done that fixed the Tesla problem:

ECU protocol: 6) ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 500 kbaud)
ECU address/CAN Id: 7EB
ECU name: TCM�-Trans
Calibration Verification Numbers: 01B2BBBC01
Calibration ID: 1171009301������
VIN: =================
Boot software fingerprint: TBOX 201
Manufacturer spare part number: d
System supplier identifier: !)
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU serial number: 7H8764HN914M164
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: ux
System supplier ECU hardware number: FAQXH01S70
System supplier ECU software number: SNMX001EEU
Repair shop code or tester serial number: 0000000000000000000000
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220914
Programming date (HEX): 1075117801

Boot software fingerprint: 01020202020214020202
Manufacturer spare part number: 1
System supplier identifier: DvD
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "$
ECU serial number: 13085
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: q0
System supplier ECU hardware number: 0265956733
System supplier ECU software number: 811843_6TedF2tvEeuEE8XfX5YoAQ
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220924
Programming date (HEX): 1081713001

Electronic Power Steering
Boot software fingerprint: EPS %201
Manufacturer spare part number: 7
System supplier identifier: TbB
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU serial number: 0004092224271000
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: gs
System supplier ECU hardware number: 0273010232
System supplier ECU software number: K00_181_D_01_00
Repair shop code or tester serial number: 0000000000000000000000
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 040922
Programming date (HEX): 1067731601

Electronic Park Brake
Boot software fingerprint: S003
Manufacturer spare part number: W
System supplier identifier: D6
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU serial number: 2209080000BVA78
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: CFX
System supplier ECU hardware number: C10
System supplier ECU software number: S503
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220908
Programming date (HEX): 1043465801

Tyre Pressure Monitoring
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 000000

ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220912

Forward vehicle collision mitigation
Boot software fingerprint: FVCM !200
Manufacturer spare part number: @
System supplier identifier: DvD
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU serial number: 4A22711A00000187
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: y
System supplier ECU hardware number: 0000000000
System supplier ECU software number: I4.0RC09
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220711
Programming date (HEX): 1079002001

Front radar
Boot software fingerprint: FDR 110
Manufacturer spare part number: x'
System supplier identifier: DvD
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU serial number: 3A22251A0000031C
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: y0
System supplier ECU hardware number: 0203304707
System supplier ECU software number: ACC_SW:4.0
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220908
Programming date (HEX): 1079003001

Boot software fingerprint: BCMS104
VIN: =================
System supplier ECU software number: 4433 518 $
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220920

Electronic Steering Lock
Manufacturer spare part number: '
System supplier identifier: Tbd
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU serial number: 4122000098705008
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: (Gh
System supplier ECU hardware number: X001
System supplier ECU software number: 1920+
Repair shop code or tester serial number: 0000000000000000000000
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220902
Programming date (HEX): 1028476802

Passive Entry
Boot software fingerprint: PEPS301
Manufacturer spare part number: 1p@
System supplier identifier: SrD
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "#
ECU serial number: 7L7040BN9232052
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: %#0
System supplier ECU hardware number: HW05
System supplier ECU software number: EP22SW01
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFF000000FFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220923
Programming date (HEX): 1025233002

Heating/Cooling (HVAC)
Boot software fingerprint: BHTC 101
Manufacturer spare part number: !W5
System supplier identifier: 7005
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "!
ECU serial number: M/
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: H
System supplier ECU hardware number: H20
System supplier ECU software number: CBL_SBX_CA_X044
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220921
Programming date (HEX): 1102480701

Instrument Panel
Boot software fingerprint: IPK )101
Manufacturer spare part number: 1119868402
System supplier identifier: 0018010888
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU serial number: 7F8684XN9150471
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: e
System supplier ECU hardware number: H200429-02
System supplier ECU software number: S220301-21
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220915
Programming date (HEX): 1095836501

Gear selector
Boot software fingerprint: SCU 201
Manufacturer spare part number: 0
System supplier identifier: '9
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): 000000
ECU serial number: 00000000000000000000000000000000
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: 1095208601
System supplier ECU hardware number: 194177761 HWA01
System supplier ECU software number: 194177791 C0105
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 000000
Programming date (HEX): 1095208601

Boot software fingerprint: CCU !!110
Manufacturer spare part number: #x7
System supplier identifier: qw
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): FFFFFF
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: #x@
System supplier ECU hardware number: H003R0
System supplier ECU software number: S005R4
Repair shop code or tester serial number: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): FFFFFF
Programming date (HEX): 1123784001

Vehicle Control
Boot software fingerprint: bedx0706
Manufacturer spare part number: su
System supplier identifier: T@h
ECU manufacturing date (ASCII): "
ECU serial number: 747518A69120515
VIN: =================
Manufacturer ECU hardware number: $
System supplier ECU hardware number: F01R00JZ08
System supplier ECU software number: blnv1440
Repair shop code or tester serial number: 0000000000000000000000
ECU manufacturing date (HEX): 220912
Programming date (HEX): 1090862401
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This is what I got from CarScanner. I'm not sure if it is very useful to anyone but its from my MG5 that has had an update done that fixed the Tesla problem:

Did carscanner not read the "Charger" module? I'd be interested in whether yours has S005R4 or S005R5 after the update.
That seemed a bit expensive for something that I wasn't desperate for so I tried this for £8 Unsurprisingly it didn't work so I returned it and tried this one for £12.50 and it works just fine. (I figured that if it has Bluetooth 5.0 it is probably a more recent chipset)
Did carscanner not read the "Charger" module? I'd be interested in whether yours has S005R4 or S005R5 after the update.
I thought it had but I think it must have disappeared when I was doing the cut/paste to post it here. I'll have another scan tomorrow and update the results.
I’d try eZS but it’s not compatible with my old android phone I’m afraid…
Got it working using an old android tablet and OBDLink LX. Had to download an apk version to overcome county coding.

It does connect to our FL MG5 and seems to find various ECUs, specifically the ones we’re looking for

BMS (NX2V500R02, 11368400001)
VCU (F01R0AJ649, 1123149301)
EVCC (2035374212, 1125788101)

Could anyone with Supercharger access working provide their versions for comparison?

[edit] Never tried supercharging but don’t expect it will work, bought in Ireland summer 23.
BTW DC/DC entry remains ‘NO DATA’ during (AC) charging
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Did carscanner not read the "Charger" module? I'd be interested in whether yours has S005R4 or S005R5 after the update.
I've just re-run the scan and edited the post. S005R4
Does anyone know the coding used for "Programming date (HEX): 1123784001" My update was done early afternoon on 8th Jan.
I've just re-run the scan and edited the post. S005R4
Does anyone know the coding used for "Programming date (HEX): 1123784001" My update was done early afternoon on 8th Jan.
That just confirms what we suspected so far, the charger FW version isn’t the determining factor, any chance you try eZS and get the versions as per post #32?
That just confirms what we suspected so far, the charger FW version isn’t the determining factor, any chance you try eZS and get the versions as per post #32?
I've just tried but eZS doesn't seem to connect properly. It shows a percentage dial that increases but then says "No car" and starts again. Does it know about a FL MG5?
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Does anyone know the coding used for "Programming date (HEX): 1123784001" My update was done early afternoon on 8th Jan.
It looks to me that the dates are decimal, not hex. I think they're trying to say it's encoded, not human readable.
From Python:
>> import time
>> time.gmtime(1123784001)
time.struct_time(tm_year=2005, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=11, tm_hour=18, tm_min=13, tm_sec=21, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=223, tm_isdst=0)

So that's year 2005, 11th August. Could that be when the firmware was first written? More likely, there is a different epoch involved (Python seems to use the Unix 1970/Jan/01 epoch).

"Programming" time may not be when the firmware was updated; it could be when the firmware was written, or compiled, or indeed when updated to the ECU, or perhaps other interpretations.

A quick Google search didn't bring up anything hopeful.
I've just tried but eZS doesn't seem to connect properly.
What version?

Did you just download it from the Google PlayStore?

It seems to me that this is the best chance we have.

Edit: Of course, you have to connect to your Bluetooth OBD-II dongle that is plugged into your car, and the car has to be at least On, if not Ready. It's often a hassle getting connection established, at least the first time or two.
eZS a bit temperamental but got this in the end. Had to stitch screenshots together from an old android phone - in the wrong order.

UK model, never tried Tesla charger!
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It looks to me that the dates are decimal, not hex. I think they're trying to say it's encoded, not human readable.
From Python:

time.struct_time(tm_year=2005, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=11, tm_hour=18, tm_min=13, tm_sec=21, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=223, tm_isdst=0)

So that's year 2005, 11th August. Could that be when the firmware was first written? More likely, there is a different epoch involved (Python seems to use the Unix 1970/Jan/01 epoch).

"Programming" time may not be when the firmware was updated; it could be when the firmware was written, or compiled, or indeed when updated to the ECU, or perhaps other interpretations.

A quick Google search didn't bring up anything hopeful.
Thanks for the research. Seems like there's nothing useful we can see.
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