I just mean …….. WHY ????.
If you are going to supply them, then for gods sake, fit the bloody things !.
Or…., don’t bother and leave them in the parts bin ?.
Times have changed of course.
But it takes me back, to a time when I remember receiving an early morning call from a long time friend and neighbour one Sunday morning.
He asked if I had checked my now one week old car that morning ?.
I said … No - Why ?.
I suggest you should go out and check it then, was the reply.
There it was, jacked up on our driveway and left on four large rocks, taken from a neighbour’s front garden, minus all four of its alloy wheels ? !.
All of the wheel bolts where left at the four positions of the removed four wheels.
Of corse, the car was supplied from the manufacturer without any locking wheel nut bolts installed from new.
Luckily the insurance company paid for four new alloy wheels and four new tyres pretty smartly.
It was a huge inconvenience as our other car was trapped inside of garage, in front of the car with the now missing wheels.
Had the car been fitted with locking wheel bolts as standard, then I am fairly sure that this incident would never happened.
So personally speaking, locking wheel bolts can offer there advantages AND there disadvantages here.
You have to make the call for yourself really ?.
When we received the car back from the insurance company, they actually strongly recommend that WE should install locking wheel bolts ASAP
As without them, they would NOT support another claim on that car for wheel theft.
Therefore each wheel had TWO different styles of locking wheel bolt fitted to each wheel !.
More recently, the whole car tends to go missing, rarther than just the four wheels themselves now.