I don't have the Hybrid but the settings you mention MUST affect when the ICE kicks in to keep the battery charged and it will NOT be based on the vehicle speed but the state of the battery so any time the battery gets below the stated level depending on which setting you have the ICE will run.
Obviously (and this is now I would want it to operate) for maximum efficiency I would only want to use EV mode for Urban use (heating requirements aside) and never under any circumstances use the ICE. This won't be determined with speed either as urban use on a daily basis would hopefully be under the EV range, and it is unlikely you would get to a speed where the ICE kicks in regardless of battery state as I think EV only speed cm reach well over 60mph or more, above that and of course you have no choice (or for heating) but to use the ICE. Hopefully you have the facility to have no charge from the ICE at all.
Perfect Hybrid use, daily use no more than 35 Miles no matter what the speed limits, setting off, ie no ICE charge, get home in evening, plug it in and away you go ready for the next day.I
On long trips start with full battery, charge on pit stops in conjunction with ICE which I would only put on when battery is getting low at least that's how I would like to run it.
PS If you can't turn off the ICE charging then that seems a bit pointless for low range use so I would think you should have this facility.