Standard Member
Spoke to mg customer service...they are looking it it once I send them the details....they agree why was I not contacted when the grant dropped...seems to me they are wanting me to cancel so they can sell it on
Spoke to mg customer service...they are looking it it once I send them the details....they agree why was I not contacted when the grant dropped...seems to me they are wanting me to cancel so they can sell it on.
hi that might have been meLooks like this dealership are just allocating stock when vehicles arrive and not ordering for specific clients. One of our members went up to this dealer in the last couple of weeks to collect a car (white LR from memory) that was being sold from stock - no waiting for order. If they had ordered your car properly the grant would have been requested and therefore would be honoured.
I ordered LR SE in blue mid December. Anyway not your problem, enjoy ?I have been following posts on here regularly and understand peoples frustration.
I ordered LR SE in Battersea Blue on 18th March and have just collected it today from the dealer. There was a sheet from MG in the car to say it was manufactured on 24th March.
I just don’t understand how this happens with longer orders being put back.
I am glad I have received mine, but fully sympathise with people who are still waiting and being messed about…….please don’t hate me ???
What number/ email did you contact out of interest? i can't get a reply from any of the emails/ forms i'm submittingSpoke to mg customer service...they are looking it it once I send them the details....they agree why was I not contacted when the grant dropped...seems to me they are wanting me to cancel so they can sell it on
Same colour and spec for me too....ordered Dec 3rd.That's good to know same colour and spec for me 11 Nov order. TY
No - just looked back - it was MgMackayhi that might have been me
i ordered on 17/18 May and picked up on the 31st may, someone either cars2 or Santander buggered up on the pcp but was all sorted on pick up day
This I where I'm at now, even though admittedly my head did rocket right off my shoulders at first. The unscrupulous few aside, I see there are many dealerships just trying to keep their necks above water - especially those who have received next to nothing from MG. Ultimately it's down to MG's poor handling...can't blame anyone whose angry about it though.I do agree that’s it’s frustrating, but I do wonder if this practice of selling some stock is borne out of the dealerships needing something to sell to keep the businesses afloat and pay the wages at the end of the month, an extra grand or two is one more salary paid and job kept. It’s annoying for us waiting for one car, but I do sympathise that it is equally frustrating/tough for car dealers getting very little commission in their pay as none of the sales they have made are being fulfilled. They’re not getting the finance referral nor the gap insurance etc. Most of the car sales people get paid peanuts as a base salary, so I’m sure they’re pushing to get the cars to complete the orders, but they’re hands are tied somewhat. Yes there will be some dealers who are unscrupulous and there’s no defence for that, but for the most part I think it’s probably out of necessity. A few irritated (to put it mildly) customers is nothing if your whole business is at risk.
This business with the grant does seem a tad dodgy and I’d be asking the dealer why they haven’t claimed it at the point of order as other large dealers do. I also thought if they could prove it was an old order there was a way to put the paperwork in retrospectively. If the fault is there’s for not following the procedure correctly then I’d be expecting them to explain how that cost is the customers to cover. Again though, they’re inevitably going to find some way of cancelling the order, which is awful practice.
My partner and I were discussing this last night and I did say if the order gets cancelled then I wouldn’t buy an MG again out of principle.
There is a time limit though, I think either 30 or 90 days from the original order being placed.From the Department of Transport , Office for zero emission vehicles and Trudy Harrison MP
Note the words in bold:
"The government is today (14 June 2022) closing the plug-in car grant scheme to new orders after successfully kickstarting the UK’s electric car revolution and supporting the sale of nearly half a million electric cars.
The scheme has succeeded in creating a mature market for ultra-low emission vehicles, helping to increase the sales of fully electric cars from less than 1,000 in 2011 to almost 100,000 in the first 5 months of 2022 alone."
In other words, if you order was before December 15 2021, you are fully entitled to the £2500 plug-in grant. If your order was for a qualifying (sub-£32k) order placed before 14 June you are fully entitled to the £1500 plug-in grant.
You will have the paperwork, as will your dealer to prove the date of your order. If my dealer tried to pull this stunt - it would be a case for the small claims court, as well as some very unwelcome publicity. Stick to your guns, folks!
Well said, and very generous of you too! ?Someone else getting their car is actually nice to read. I'm happy for those that received vehicles, and it's the sharing of pictures & things that reminds me why I ordered it in the first place.
Don't let the current situation impact your enjoyment...MG is to blame for the frustrations.
Great news!Just been informed mine should be here next week. Ordered early November, LR trophy connect, Battersea Blue, NT Shaw Louth.
Very Happy
Precisely why I'm rethinking where I'll order from, if I buy MG again.There is an old perception that the car salesperson is the type of person never to be trusted, are ruthless and would sell their own grandparents if it meant getting a better margin.
Not all salespersons are the same - there are some good ones out there who know what they are talking about, know the processes to follow and how to be professional.
For instance I do not personally know Miles from Chorley Group, but he is willing to put his head above the parapet and tell us what he can - he comes across to me as professional and trustworthy - I would buy a car off him.
I understand that current economic climate makes it difficult to operate but there are limits to what is beyond acceptable.
Selling cars that was designated for someone else and then telling customers open lies about the process for grants to me is beyond the limit. Cancelling orders and claiming it was MGUK that did it is again beyond the limit.
It is unprofessional and tarnishes all those dealers out there who really try hard to look after their customers. When dealers do things like this it must make people like Mile’s job twice as difficult to be able to gain peoples trust.
Honesty is always the best policy in the end.
Yes, I think something is off with that dealer. Although aren’t they the ones who copied the sign of another well known dealer, so obviously not against certain dodgy practices. There’s always going to be some who take advantage of supply and demand issues. Likewise the dealer that’s had MG cancel all 46+ orders, yet this doesn’t appear to have happened with other dealers doesn’t make sense. If MG have cancelled, big if, then there must be a reason it’s dealer specific.This I where I'm at now, even though admittedly my head did rocket right off my shoulders at first. The unscrupulous few aside, I see there are many dealerships just trying to keep their necks above water - especially those who have received next to nothing from MG. Ultimately it's down to MG's poor handling...can't blame anyone whose angry about it though.
Maybe Cars2 are using the grant as an excuse and trying to get the most money per car, because although they get that rebate from the Gov, selling at an increased price to someone new means more in hand for them. I wonder if they benefitted from a fleet discount.
I don’t think we’ve got concrete evidence this has happened to date. We’re all just guessing that’s the case. Not one person who has contacted MG regarding their order has had a response to say ‘your car was supplied to the dealer on x date’ indicating no car designated to an outstanding order has been sold as stock. For all we know those cars have been allocated as stock to the dealer, for whatever reason, just like Miles received some cars for stock.Selling cars that was designated for someone else and then telling customers open lies about the process for grants to me is beyond the limit.