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      AdeMcG reacted to GJMG4 North's post in the thread What have I done? with Like Like.
      You must have confidence in the dealer, on this occassion Sandicliffe haven't delivered the level of service you're entitled to expect...
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      AdeMcG replied to the thread What have I done?.
      Well, the final straw was yesterday, having been promised the day before (Friday) that the sales person (the experienced one, not the...
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      AdeMcG replied to the thread What have I done?.
      (i) I am not asking for the home address and personal details of the previous owner, merely what the situation is as to the disclosure...
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      AdeMcG replied to the thread What have I done?.
      I am 2 hours away from this dealer, so I won't be using them other than to supply the vehicle, but at this rate, I dare say I am in a...
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      AdeMcG replied to the thread What have I done?.
      Well, several days on from my initial optimism, it would appear that simple questions such as: What are the owner details (who is on...
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      AdeMcG replied to the thread What have I done?.
      Exactly this, I had gone through the Leaseloco process only to be informed that the listing was in error and there are only Volcano...
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      AdeMcG reacted to JonnyG's post in the thread What have I done? with Like Like.
      Cracking lease deal 👍 .........thats the cheapest personal lease there has been on the Trophy according to Leaseloco. If you follow it...
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      AdeMcG reacted to the happy bunny's post in the thread MG4 Software Update Thread with Like Like.
      The infotainment version for your car is currently R63, but your vehicle contains around 20 other ECUs that manage various functions...
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      AdeMcG replied to the thread MG4 Software Update Thread.
      Hi MattyS, yes it is a 64 kWh MG4 Long Range Trophy (73 plate)
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      AdeMcG reacted to dsimpkins's post in the thread What have I done? with Like Like.
      Longbridge is the HQ and factory complex of the original Austin car manufacturer. It became MG Rover until the collapse in 2005. It...
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      AdeMcG replied to the thread What have I done?.
      Interestingly, when I check on the Gov website, it is untaxed (no surprise) but the Date of last V5C Issued was 02nd Dec 2024.......it...
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      AdeMcG reacted to slmorgan42's post in the thread What have I done? with Like Like.
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      AdeMcG reacted to Diggsy's post in the thread What have I done? with Like Like.
      I’ve had 2yrs largely trouble free in my SE, so I’d say the chances are good you’ll get the same. The only issues I’ve had in that time...
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      AdeMcG replied to the thread MG4 Software Update Thread.
      Hi guys,. I am looking at picking my car up this weekend (What have I done?) what is the Latest Software that this should be running (...
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      AdeMcG reacted to OriginalBigAl's post in the thread What have I done? with Like Like.
      It appears you have done your research and due diligence, so if you have a good one , and there are many, enjoy. You are based ideally...
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