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    • neerav
      neerav replied to the thread MG4 in Australia.
      This is my suggestion in a video, so you can see that I bought and how it works
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to Jamesrr's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      BTW I can report that the Vodafone coverage (that our Aussie cars connect via) has dramatically improved. As a long time Vodafail user...
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to Jamesrr's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      So I did my "big trip" and it was a great success, save for one small, well smallish, well OK, very stressful, incident :ROFLMAO: The...
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to siteguru's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      It resets after 100 hours of up-time ... perhaps that coincided with 4000 km. 🤷‍♂️
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to clayton4115's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      Ok thanks but I think I will go in April 2026 for the first 40k service as it was registered in April so it has been driven around even...
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to Corindikev's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      Yes the next service information is just a countdown to 40,000km but if you have less than 40,000km on the clock 2 years from the car...
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to ReintjeWA's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      Australian intervals are 2 years or 40.000 km whichever comes first, so if you’re not near the 40.000km I would say your service is due...
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to clayton4115's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      Ok got the car home from Toowoomba to Brisbane this morning approx 1hr 30mns - 120kms. Car drove beautifully and it was a pleasure to...
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to clayton4115's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      Thanks for this link, I will email them to see what they say.
    • neerav
      neerav replied to the thread MG4 in Australia.
      No, don't take their word. It clearly hasn't been updated properly Send them this link and say you want all the updates that are...
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to wattmatters's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      June 2023. Mine is the 64 Essence model. Picked it up late-September 2023. Yes they did a neat job. I'll get some more pics at some...
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to Jamesrr's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      I'd be replacing the key fob battery, as others have suggested.
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to Martinonline's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      Your keyfob battery may be low. Try replacing it. Have you another keyfob you can try?
    • neerav
      neerav reacted to Jamesrr's post in the thread MG4 in Australia with Like Like.
      Yes, I've used the Ardrossan RAA chargers a number of times when I come around in a hire Polestar 2 which I pick up from Adelaide...
    • neerav
      neerav replied to the thread MG4 in Australia.
      Enjoy. The RAA Kempower fast chargers work well. Ardrossan one is next to a shop that has cheap local ice-cream brand
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