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    • Nimz
      Nimz reacted to Coulomb's post in the thread Xpower - 12 months on with Like Like.
      No harm done!
    • Nimz
      Nimz replied to the thread Xpower - 12 months on.
      I will remove myself now that makes sense. I will try that. All good - sorry I have to say something though, goddamn the Xpower is a...
    • Nimz
      Nimz replied to the thread Xpower - 12 months on.
      I apologise. I’m not trying to sell them. Happy to give them away. Sorry
    • Nimz
      Nimz replied to the thread Xpower - 12 months on.
      I’ve had a few drinks - my bad . Felt like an idiot when I walked out there just now and took that photo. This is my first electric car...
    • Nimz
      Nimz replied to the thread Xpower - 12 months on.
      It’s 1am, I just checked . You are correct. I will try neutral then but I can’t see that stopping the squealing - now the neighbours...
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    • Nimz
      Nimz replied to the thread Xpower - 12 months on.
      Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure I have a neutral? But there must be so many cars out there that use brake assist and they don’t...
    • Nimz
      Update ..Well… I’ve had lots of issues - but to be fair, I knew I was leasing a ridiculously over powered 35k car. I’m a gen x that...
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