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    • Willie
      Willie reacted to MG Clive's post in the thread Joke thread with Funny Funny.
      It's the wife's birthday next week, and she's been leaving jewellery mags all round the house, well I certainly know how to take a hint...
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to Kithmo's post in the thread Joke thread with Love Love.
      Paddy says, "my mate Mick came off his motorbike yesterday" Murphy says, "oh dear" Paddy says, "yes he has brain damage, two broken arms...
    • Willie
      Willie replied to the thread Reversing camera.
      Hi Jordypal, I removed the rear bumper from my zs excite but could not find a socket to plug the camera in, where did you connect your...
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to Kithmo's post in the thread Joke thread with Funny Funny.
      One day I was walking down the beach with some friends, when one of them shouted, "Look at that dead bird!" One of them looked up at the...
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to T1 Terry's post in the thread Joke thread with Funny Funny.
      The wife rang and told me she saw a fox on the way to work ... I asked how she knew it was on the way to work? She hung up on me, how...
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to DBedford's post in the thread So do you like your MG ZS EV? with Like Like.
      How is being messed around by the seller impact on you liking the car or not?
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to Gadget Geek's post in the thread So do you like your MG ZS EV? with Like Like.
      I've got to ask why you bought it if you don't like it. I love mine.
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to Susanna's post in the thread Keyfob battery with Like Like.
      I have changed the batteries in my key fobs. It’s fairly quick and easy to do. I have a low mileage service plan with a dealership, and...
    • Willie
      Willie replied to the thread KERS Power Down.
      After I fully charge my ZS, I frequently get a pop-up message stating caution regenerative braking might be impaired.
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to securespark's post in the thread Makeshift Ambo! with Like Like.
      Just thought I'd give you a final update. I'm making good progress. The joint is still a bit reluctant to fully cooperate...
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to salty's post in the thread Joke thread with Funny Funny.
    • Willie
      If you are needing to slow down then if this is not done by regen braking, it would need to be completed via regular friction braking so...
    • Willie
      I totally agree with you GG, I also use it on B class roads and it works great. Where I live there are no motorways or dual carriageways.
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to Eclectic's post in the thread Joke thread with Funny Funny.
    • Willie
      Willie reacted to johnb80's post in the thread Upgrade of house main fuse with Like Like.
      You may be surprised to know, a 60 amp fuse running with 100 amps going through it will take 9 minutes to blow. They stand overload for...
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