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    • Tweed98
      Tweed98 reacted to Gomev's post in the thread Life after the MG5 with Like Like.
      I have a 2022 Kona bought earlier this year. I like it a lot, the larger battery version which I have does a true 300 miles easily in...
    • Tweed98
      Tweed98 replied to the thread Unwanted modifications MG5.
      I went from a 5 to a Kona EV, they are surprisingly similar in terms of buttons. I just miss the boot space.
    • Tweed98
      Tweed98 reacted to Gomev's post in the thread Life after the MG5 with Like Like.
      Indeed, GOM is really accurate. After a couple of weeks of just town pootling about did a day trip to Southport, c80 miles each way...
    • Tweed98
      Tweed98 reacted to Pebblefeline's post in the thread Life after the MG5 with Like Like.
      Totall Totally brilliant cars and the gom Is scary accurate
    • Tweed98
      Tweed98 reacted to Gomev's post in the thread Life after the MG5 with Like Like.
      Boot size is deffo a problem for a family car but for the two of us it's more than ample.
    • Tweed98
      Tweed98 replied to the thread Life after the MG5.
      I also swapped my MG company car for a second hand Kona but mine is a 2020 model I get way better mileage even though I'm driving the...
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