Recent content by a6taxipl

  1. a6taxipl

    Ohme charger lost communication

    Just before Easter my OHME charger lost connection with my app. After email to OHME, they did try to fix the problem but without any luck. They asked network providers for solution but due to Easter, it tooks few more days. It wasn't a huge inconvenience, as I could still charge my car. Lily...
  2. a6taxipl

    Knocking noise from the sunroof area! That's my one. This time with tilted opening, but sometimes it rattle when is closed.
  3. a6taxipl

    Knocking noise from the sunroof area!

    So long story short.... Service team let me down again. As there was no sales manager today, neither service manager, I had a word with senior service advisor (at 10AM). She told me, that she will print all my previous job sheets and will speak with technician regarding faults and repairs. Then...
  4. a6taxipl

    Knocking noise from the sunroof area!

    Well from Dec 20, 6600 miles atm. A Pilar ( 1 fixed, other service couldn't see any problem with) , windscreen ( like too much stress/ tension going through sealant/glue on top of it), steering column. It's city driving, so uneven, bumpy roads and low speed, radio on vol 1. First 1500 miles...
  5. a6taxipl

    Knocking noise from the sunroof area!

    Looks like it is time for my sunroof to make some noise. I would say is loud compare to other unwanted sounds, which can hear during driving. Started yesterday, suddenly. No difference 8f sunroof is open or close. Makes me crazy as it's over my and my clients head. I am starting to have enough...
  6. a6taxipl

    Rear passenger window broken and stuck down.

    And press button when pulling - may help
  7. a6taxipl

    Rear passenger window broken and stuck down.

    I would try pull it up first. Ask someone for help, 4 hands - more power. It won't slide easy. Firm grip needed
  8. a6taxipl

    Rear passenger window broken and stuck down.

    For sure if you want to move it need to be horizontal ( straight level ). Still the best option, is to have a look inside the door where mechanism is.
  9. a6taxipl

    Richmond Southampton - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    Car purchased end of Nov 2020. Sales team done a good job. Can not complain for them at all, even due to system error my originally ordered car was sold in another part of GB. Had to wait about 2 weeks for delivery of another Team RED, but been offered different colour if I didn't want to wait...
  10. a6taxipl

    Range Extender

    Still with 5% remaining. Heater on/off 50/50
  11. a6taxipl

    Auto dimming mirror

    Been thinking about it, but after windows tint my rear view mirror is dimmed all the time ?. Good job by the way.
  12. a6taxipl

    BMS update- feedback from MG

    Not exactly.... If someone lease car within warranty period, then it is ( may / may not ) not so worried about long term battery condition . But if I would like to keep car beyond warranty, then it is important for me to maintain and use battery in such way to prevent its unnecessary degradation.
  13. a6taxipl

    Auto hold function

    You need to have seatbelt on
  14. a6taxipl

    BMS update- feedback from MG

    My fully charged car shows 456V, A(bought Nov 2020) few days ago dealer said no updates for it. Yeah....
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