Recent content by BadPacifist

  1. B

    XPower 488 mile Round Trip using Public Charging

    My XPOWER struggles with BP Pulse chargers too. The first time I tried one, I was convinced it was broken. Took about 5 minutes of messing around to get it going.
  2. B

    What cables will come with my new MG4

    My company scheme car came with both granny cable and a Type 2. Leased through Zenith.
  3. B

    Are you happy with your MG4?

    Took delivery of my leased XPOWER on Friday and had the opportunity to give it a blast on the weekend. It came with software version R40. It does look like I have more dislikes than likes, but my dislikes are mostly really minor things that just stand out because the likes are actually amazing...
  4. B

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    I'll spare everyone the photos since we've all seen a grey XPower, but got mine on Friday! Ordered through leasing provider (Zenith): 23 October 2023 as part of my company car scheme. Order placed at dealership (Norton Way): 23 November 2023 (admin mix up by Zenith). Delivered: 26 Jan 2024. 18...
  5. B

    New Owner.... nearly... maybe...!

    Not to rub it in, but Norton Way are delivering my XPOWER this Friday. Ordered 23 October through Zenith (company car scheme).
  6. B

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Joining the club! Ordered an XPOWER in Camden Grey (was so close to getting the Racing Green...!) through Zenith via my company car scheme on Monday 23 Oct. Thanks to the low BiK tax on EVs and a trade-down payment, it's costing me a whopping £15.94 per month, although I lose my £5k/pa cash...
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