Recent content by bateman1982

  1. B

    Wheel Nuts - one feels loose on each wheel

    Great stuff, thanks all for your responses. Good to know it's working as designed rather than my wheels being about to fall off 🙂
  2. B

    Wheel Nuts - one feels loose on each wheel

    I suspect it's this actually. Not sure how to confirm or deny!
  3. B

    Wheel Nuts - one feels loose on each wheel

    All the others are fine, it's just one per wheel and you can see on visual inspection which one it is. I've just found this on Reddit that's making me think it's a feature and not an issue.
  4. B

    Wheel Nuts - one feels loose on each wheel

    Hello all, New MG3 hybrid owner, got about 1,000miles on the clock. Noticed today that one of the lug nuts on each wheel looks more extended out than the others and I can rotate that particular one by hand on each wheel. Is this part of the design? The fact that it's one per wheel makes it...
  5. B

    Outside temperature - intermittent issue

    Update: issue seems to have stopped happening since I made the post, no particular action taken.
  6. B

    Outside temperature - intermittent issue

    Thanks both. If it persists I'll get it looked at by the dealer as I've only had the car just over a week.
  7. B

    Outside temperature - intermittent issue

    Hi all, I have a new MG3 Hybrid and am really pleased with it but have noticed that intermittently on starting the car, the outside temperature is just showing as a horizontal line. It's intermittent though and is often resolved by stopping and starting the car, so strikes me as potentially...
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