Recent content by Betsy2017

  1. B

    Granny charger

    Thanks for all replies. To see how things went did 2 x 3hour charges, drew 2.25 avg kW, 9.2 A, around 230 volts. Plug never felt hot, just warm (less warm than some mobile chargers). Reason I tried 3 hours was sometimes I have tumble dryer on for 2-3 hours a time (yes not constant) So just...
  2. B

    Granny charger

    Got a tough lead extension with a RCD built in ,just incase,we were unsure how close to the house we could get (Can use the ext lead for lawn mower etc and in garage
  3. B

    Granny charger

    More questions. If I'm away at Daughter's and need to use Granny from a socket what is the best course of action to stop the plug getting to hot etc. Charge for 2 to 3 hours then leave an hour? and restart and do same? Will it affect the battery to do this? Charge overnight for 8-10 hours. I...
  4. B

    Charging query

    Hi. Have now been able to get a wall charger so the search is on for the car (Won't be new). However on reading the manual online it has a bit about charging which I'm confused about or am I being stupid! The first one is about the charging port will lock when the car is locked and if the car...
  5. B

    About to take the plunge

    Hi All. Currently drive a HS so am okay with MG brand. Do 300-400 mpw so petrol is around £70 or so. Do lots of small journeys 15/20miles and occasional 100 round trips,centred around Grandchildren(3 of them 12/7/2so need space) school runs/school hols etc. Had a rental Mokka e and was impressed...
  6. B

    New to electric

    Thanks for replies. An electrician is coming this afternoon to look at all aspects and advise what /where etc. Will contact EDF as well to check loading,doing on line through my account it comes back as ok,but will speak to some one. Granny charger is the normal 3 pin household? How would...
  7. B

    New to electric

    Should be ok? ,new fuse box,rcd's installed about 6 months ago.
  8. B

    New to electric

    Hi thanks for the welcome and replies. Been thrown a slight curve ball as the landlord has decided he's now not happy until an electrician comes out and shows him where the wire from fuse box to charging box will go (the fuse box is about 3 foot from the outside wall,then was to run about 16ft...
  9. B

    New to electric

    Hi In the process of going for a MG5 from an HS. Just needs bit of advice. Home charger,does it matter which brand? With EDF, is it quick /easy to switch to their EV tariff(5hours pd,35hrs week,8p per kw) Does the charging cost roughly work as -8p kw hour,charger is 7kwh,so roughly 7x8p X the 5...
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