Recent content by bruggerb

  1. B

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thanky, i finally got it running, thanky
  2. B

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Hi, usually I am not an idiot, but this downgrade seems a little bit rough... I put a folder AVN_MPU in the root of my fat32 usb stick. In this folder are the 3 update Files from the R38 (md5_check.txt,, vipImage.bin) In the update menue I have the options DAB, ECU...
  3. B

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    With the r33 on the usb drive I get an error when I try to update the AVN MPU. The ECU updates runs and the Infotaibment confirms the update but stays on the r63. I think the not working MPU downgrade is the problem. Any tips?
  4. B

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thank you, I already entered this menue. On the Standart the update was a two step process. Update AVN Vip and update AVN Soc. What do I need to do in the r63 Menue after the input 200519? Thanks
  5. B

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Hi, I upgraded my SE to R63 and want to downgrade now to R33. Can anyone help how to? The menue on R63 is diffrent then on it was on R33. Thanks
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