Recent content by Corindikev

  1. Corindikev

    Mg4 fire

    There is no evidence of the HV battery catching fire in any of these photos. In fact the base of both cars is about the only part still in one piece other than the steel sheet metal body and other metal parts. All modern cars have a huge amount of combustible material in them, mostly from...
  2. Corindikev

    What's all this about solid state batteries in the MG4?

    I used to work on a simple rule of thumb that a car halved its value every 3 years but it isn't linear as the most depreciation happens in the first year. So a $50,000 car will lose $10k to $15k (in the first year at a normal mileage of say 20,000km (12,500 miles) a year or less & be worth 25k...
  3. Corindikev

    Another bug? Unable to select Reverse

    Dunno if it is the same on the Cyberster but on the MG4 a long press on the Infotainment Home button reboots the system.
  4. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    Thanks for a really good summary of your trip & stressful issues. I don't make many long trips but my first was quite memorable. It was back in October 2023 when the car was a month old. I live in Corindi Beach, just North of Coffs Harbour & had to go to Noosa for an AGM of Body Corporate of...
  5. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    Page 32 in the manual
  6. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    All modern cars be they ICE or EV have numerous micro processors that manage multiple functions. In an EV the 12 volt battery is charged from the high voltage battery & not from an alternator via a voltage regulator and rectifier. The systems need to talk to one another in an EV to ensure the 12...
  7. Corindikev

    All Cyberster press reviews (videos/links inside and no comments, please)

    How many Cybersters can you buy for the cost of one Lamborghini?
  8. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    Yes the next service information is just a countdown to 40,000km but if you have less than 40,000km on the clock 2 years from the car being delivered to you and on the road, that is when the first service is due.
  9. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    I told a furphy. It is not available yet but they are working on it for Infotainment updates only. (See Neeravs link above). If you go to the system menu and select infotainment update it will ask for a password but none work. The system has been created to allow it but at this stage it isn't...
  10. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    My car (June 23 build) is on Infotainment version R04 & everything works fine as far as I am concerned. There is an OTA update now available for the Satnav system that can program in chargers when creating a trip but I am not bothered about this anyway as 1. I don't go in many long trips and 2...
  11. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    Looks like a beautiful spot. Just a bit difficult getting the MG4 down the steps to the beach.
  12. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    I do a 100% charge monthly or in reality when I remember. I have noted it does take longer if there has been a longer period of time between 100% balance charges. I charge normally to 80% once or twice a week & the balance charge is quite short but the last one to 100% took a bout 40 minutes.
  13. Corindikev

    Autohold function

    Autohold is a setting that you have to turn on or the A will never turn green. It is detailed in the Starting & Driving section of the manual. I have it on by default as it is an excellent feature. When Autohold is set and you brake to a stop, press the brake pedal a bit harder & the Autohold...
  14. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    What should they deliver? Superchargers by definition I think should be at least 150kW & up to 350kW. I have only used Evie superchargers & they were rated at 350kW & the MG was at its peak of 140kW when I plugged in with about 30% battery left.
  15. Corindikev

    New MG4 owner - newbie tips

    No you don't have to switch scheduled charging off at all. Plug the cable in, and in the iSmart App (or on the Charging section of the Infotainment screen) tap start charging, that's it.
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