Recent content by danielo110474

  1. D

    MG Cyberster Charger Flap issue

    Hello, yes, the car is under warranty, and they told me they'll replace the mechanism without any problem. I hope this doesn't happen again. Good luck with your problem; I hope they fix it!
  2. D

    MG Cyberster Charger Flap issue

    I just spoke to the workshop manager about the problem with the cargo cover. He tells me that it is a problem that occurs in other MG models. It is a simple mechanism where a spring intervenes which makes the door open or not, and sometimes it fails. He has asked me for a new mechanism to change...
  3. D

    MG Cyberster Charger Flap issue

    We need an urgent software update!!! I hope they release one soon and correct several of the problems that are being described in this forum.
  4. D

    MG Cyberster Charger Flap issue

    Good morning, I'm sorry I wrote in Spanish, but I'll try to make myself understood in English. Where I live there is usually no frost and the car is in a garage, so there is never any frost. My problem was with the charging cover, not with the cable. If the problem with the cover not opening...
  5. D

    MG Cyberster Charger Flap issue

    Buenos días, a mi me ocurrió lo mismo, pero tan sólo una vez, y no me ha vuelto a suceder. Al bloquear el coche y volverlo a abrir ya me dejó abrir la tapa, pero es verdad que me llevé un buen susto. No he llegado a probar la apertura manual situada en el maletero para ver si funciona o no...
  6. D

    Entertainment screen flipped out and then crashed. How to reboot?

    Me pasó exactamente lo mismo que a ti, hasta que el coche no estuvo varias horas parado no se quitó. Tampoco sé cómo hacer ese reinicio suave que nos vendría muy bien. Moderator: Please post in English. Future non-English posts will be deleted. Translation: The exact same thing happened to me...
  7. D

    MG Cyberster Wiki - Hints, Tips and Solutions

    A mi también me gustaría saber si la silla se puede bajar más de lo que aparentemente permite. También he notado que es estrecha. Moderator: Please post in English. Translation: I would also like to know if the chair can be lowered more than it apparently allows. I have also noticed that it is...
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