Hi there MG4 owners, I am Dave from Bristol and have owned a standard range MG4 for over 2 years with very little trouble, but the other day I got in the car and the battery power bar which is normally green lit up orange. is there a reason for this. many thanks Dave.
You can't just splice the wires in, the lights won't work. I know, I tried it myself. You have to buy the specific kit and it's not cheap. You also have to run a 12V power supply from the fuse box. Sorry to give you the bad news but you're only half way through the job. Best of luck..Dave
I think I read a post a while back if you lose your blue and green charge lights you remove a fuse under the dash and then refit and it reboots the system I think it was fuse f9.give it a try.
Hi guys I am looking to sort out my tow bar electrics this summer. And have noted that ecs are now doing an electrical kit to fit the MG4 but it is quite pricey at £277. Does anyone know of any other companies making an electrics kit for the MG4.
Hi Ian, I can give you the benefit of my experience. I bought my towbar on ebay and I think it was the supplier you mentioned. Now just to let you know I am a fairly competent mechanic, but I found fitting the bar quite easy as far as the mechanical side is concerned. I can talk you through it...
Hi there guys and gals. I just had my insurance renewal through, and they want £560 to insure my car this is £200 more than last year, seems a bit excessive any ideas where I can get a reasonable quote. Dave.
I didn't find one. I posed this question a couple of months back and had no replies. So I spliced in on the n/s and o/s rear lights and the wire running to the rear fog. MG always planned for this car to tow so I don't understand why they didn't fit a plug in the harness like manufacturer's do...
The electric relay I bought separately it's a zr2500 you will find them on ebay for around £30. And you have to do your own thing with the electrics. But there are general instructions with the relay. And thanks for mentioning the thread on dash cams I will check it out. Where in Devon are you...
I think you will find that's the fitted price. I bought mine on ebay £370. And fitted myself it's not too difficult if you are a reasonable mechanic. I am happy to give you advice if you decide to give it a go. Dave.
Yes the wheel did fit and yes it's a bolt not a nut. The wheel I used was from a seat the same model as golf mk4 I think. I have also now made a false boot floor out of MDF I will see if I can post a photo Dave.
And yes it's a MG4
No when I scan the qr panel it tells me the car has previously been paired. If you see Ians reply he says to delete account from your old phone and then reinstall on new phone.
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