Recent content by DB Go Rex

  1. D

    ZS EV Mk2 51kWh LFP Battery - Not Balancing Massive Cell Deviation

    Your evidence that you have a problem is a bit lacking that’s all I’m saying…
  2. D

    ZS EV Mk2 51kWh LFP Battery - Not Balancing Massive Cell Deviation

    I don’t think your estimated reduction in range is that significant. The BMS knows if it needs to do the equalisation charge.
  3. D

    ZS EV Mk2 51kWh LFP Battery - Not Balancing Massive Cell Deviation

    Do you actually have a noticeable real world issue with your range/battery performance?
  4. D

    Can i disable 'power limited' option?

    Ndjd It isn’t just that
  5. D

    Can i disable 'power limited' option?

    Other than the obvious safety/convenience aspect to this, even if they did allow you to remove turtle mode, you would be bumping into the physical limitations of battery: When the BMS decides it's time for turtle mode, it likely has a preset voltage drop off level set so that beyond this point...
  6. D

    Can i disable 'power limited' option?

    It isn’t possible
  7. D

    Can i disable 'power limited' option?

    No And I think you answered your own question
  8. D

    ZS EV charge flap / door broken - warranty is flaky.

    They definitely haven’t thought about long term wear and what could happen to it in use. At minimum, if they aren’t going to commit to making the hinge components out of steel or aluminium, it needs the hinge to be protected against over extension (I think is the root cause on most mk2...
  9. D

    Range loss in Winter

    It was the 38kwh Ioniq with similar range to the SR ZS. There is a camera. The visibility is no better on the ZS.
  10. D

    Range loss in Winter

  11. D

    Finger print, it will get a fist print in a minute :=((

    Hard agree. It sort of made sense when I had the Hyundai as although the data wasn’t quite as good as Google, the real time charger availability together with the way it integrated to the car’s state of charge and its ability to dynamically find you a charger en route made it worth it. The MG...
  12. D

    Advice for a new ev buyer

    The range on any EV is going to be hugely impacted by towing. If you are doing a lot of long distance towing a hybrid might be a better bet. The newer e berlingo has a decent real world mileage improvement over the old one - over 200 miles
  13. D

    Advice for a new ev buyer

    Newer 5 seat eberlingo might fit the requirements but it’s a bit pricey for what it is.
  14. D

    Best decision ZS EV long range

    Page 160 of the manual. It's called ACC mode
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