Recent content by dragon2611

  1. D

    Warning lights after dead battery

    Mine usually clears after a few meters if that (I've had to pull the 12v off a couple of times when it got into a sulk after a disagreement with a public charger/EVSE)
  2. D

    Seat belt warning

    Check the cable going into the bottom of the rear seat belt buckle/receptacle things it's not a very robust connector so it's rather easy for it to become dislodged or if you are unlucky damaged/ripped out entirely.
  3. D

    Charging speeds

    Gridserve app was showing 2KW (it was one of theirs)
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    Charging speeds

    It might have been, but that still should have been 3KW not 2KW.
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    Charging speeds

    Assuming the fast actually is... I stopped off at a motorway service area few weeks back to get some lunch, I didn't really need to charge yet but would at some point on the way back so I figured I'd give the A/C charger a try and at least get a little bit of charge. Useless thing was only...
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    Charging speeds

    I've only ever seen the higher charging speeds if the starting SOC has been rather low, I don't think I've ever seen above 50KW if I've been above 20% or so when I started the charging session. Stupid part is if it does hit 70KW+ it will often stay that fast up-to quite a high SOC. More of the...
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    My Prefacelift 5 usually behaves itself with the IONITY chargers, although I think i've only used it with taller narrower ones with the vertical screen orientation (The ones with the halo around the top), I think they do have a different design in some places (although i'm not sure if the UK has...
  8. D

    MG5 Trophy Breakdown – A Worrying Experience

    Under the plastic cover, on my pre-facelift there's a smaller panel that comes off separately to save you from having to remove the entire plastic cover. I think that standard on the long range versions not sure if it was on the early short range cars.
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    MG5 Trophy Breakdown – A Worrying Experience

    I've had that happen a few times on my pre-face lift although it's usually at the start of charging if it sees something about the charger/cable it doesn't like. Either locking it and wait 5-10mins or disconnect the 12v battery usually solves it. Did try a code clear from a wi-fi ELM327 and...
  10. D

    Instavolt Chargers failed to connect

    Some people suggest locking the car with the fob during the handshake helps. My prefacelift has been iffy with instavolt on a couple occasions then worked fine on the same charger moments later. Last long journey I did it was MFG (I think ABB? and Hypercharger) and then a Gridserve medium...
  11. D

    So what range were you getting in recent cold weather?

    I wonder if turning it off actually makes much difference as then it's just going to have to heat the car back up again.
  12. D

    Buying a Frunk - recommendations?

    I rarely need to get the charging cable out from the boot as I have a 2nd one I use at home, that said juggling getting the cable out from under the false floor and getting the dog to behave himself when I'm doing so is sometimes a bit fun. (Because I have to let said dog out of the boot to get...
  13. D

    Carplay connection with Iphone

    Is the lightning port on the phone clean? I had loads of issues with mine when I had one, and it turned out the port was full of pocket fluff, which wasn't that surprising as I tended to use both magsafe charging and wireless CarPlay (via a dongle/adaptor) Cleaning out the port helped a lot.
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    Android Auto

    This is my latest one, (I’ve had a few) some generic thing from aliexpress. Compared to my old Carlinkit mini and even the full android AI boxes I’ve had this one has been the most reliable I do wonder if it’s power related as the the specs on this one claimed 300mA where as the others (esp...
  15. D

    We don't have the computer you'd have to go to...

    Interesting I can't find them on Dealers | MG Dealers any more, their other location shows up there, Could have sworn they were showing on the map before There's still MG signage on the building, and they still seemed to have a load of MGs. Tbh I'm not that fussed as long as they service it...
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