Recent content by Edoc16

  1. E

    Butt pain mg5 trophy

    Funny I have the same problem it feels as if a very heavy driver has taken the car a long run to china and back was also thinking of a padded cushion- but opinion - should not be needed...
  2. E

    So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night ...

    Enjoy Tommy funny I've gone and done the same- I have swapped my MG5 for an older (18) model Jaguar Ipace First Edition ! which is about 75k new hence 2nd hand. Archev has seen said vehicle and approved my choice its pure luxury and fast !! 0-60 4.5 secs but like you Tommy not without problems...
  3. E

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    In other words buy yourself a Tesla !!!
  4. E

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    Spent the alloted 10mins and sent a crabby email to the said not so smart person :-)
  5. E

    Would not stay in D or R

    Weird all my doors were closed plus had good signal ? anyway did my o/night charging at home and wanted 100% for trip later and to my amazement my battery read out toldme I had 358 mls on the clock... into LR Tesla territory went on short trip to town and still showing same ! obviously not...
  6. E

    Wallbox Pulsar Plus and Oct' Intelligent

    I find Wallbox good to deal with but have a problem when I try to Update as requested, it wants to join "WB173605 hotspot" ? so far unsuccessful :-(
  7. E

    Would not stay in D or R

    I learned the same ref the door, I believe its a safety feature (same model)
  8. E

    eCall System Fault

    As did I, wondered if I pressed the E button what would happed but too scared !!!
  9. E

    Dashcams - any successful installations or wise advice?

    Unfortunately I only have the bottle of Gorilla at hand but aint using that but... thx anyway Arch
  10. E

    Dashcams - any successful installations or wise advice?

    where do you get this smelly tape Archev ?
  11. E

    Dashcams - any successful installations or wise advice?

    I think the service desk is talking a lot of bull...on my second MG and never had a problem with LKA what I do have a problem with is the suction wont stay fixed in hot weather anyone have advice ?
  12. E

    The Ultimate MG5 "Real World" Energy Consumption Thread

    part time taxi driver Philb? :)
  13. E

    The Ultimate MG5 "Real World" Energy Consumption Thread

    Yea but its downhill all the way back !!! :)
  14. E

    The Ultimate MG5 "Real World" Energy Consumption Thread

    You'll need to stop the kerb crawling Philb :cool: .....Joke BTW
  15. E

    Tesla driver owning a MGZS

    agree with most of what you say L, but I think if going the Tesla route the Model S 75D is the best car to consider (IMHO) but.... got to be 2nd hand, new ones are an extortionate price for the common car owner hence the 2hd hand option. Charging infrastrucure is second to none and I'm a bit...
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