Recent content by Evgen K

  1. Evgen K

    MG4 Trophy map update – BEWARE

    The map is still 23Q4 😥
  2. Evgen K

    MG S5 availability (merged, formerly ES5))

    coming soon
  3. Evgen K

    Please share your experiences with your dealer

    Can i ask you to add please Ukraine MG dealers to the forum and into the map?
  4. Evgen K

    Open pilot / Comma AI

    Still no news? :( I'd be glad to see Comma 3X in MG4
  5. Evgen K

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    Thank you, I will wait for your answer.
  6. Evgen K

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Yes, seems I confused with SC077. There is no R77, sorry guys.
  7. Evgen K

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    Thank you a lot, so this SC077 compain is really relates with car VINs, right? I thought this is for all issued MG4s
  8. Evgen K

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Guys, does anybody heard about R77 firmware for Infotainment system?
  9. Evgen K

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    I asked my dealer in Ukraine (Kyiv) and i was answered that my car's VIN does not fit this SC077 campaign update. I'm bit shocked, i didn't hear that SC077 relates to car VIN. I think it's global for all MG4 in Europe.
  10. Evgen K

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    Do you know if SC077 is for GB only or this is worldwide service camping?
  11. Evgen K

    MG4 Mudflaps

    My mudflaps. Was bought in Ukraine internet shop, but of course all of them are from China.
  12. Evgen K

    Pair Bluetooth and Window Laptop?

    Seems I do something wrong. Could you please provide steb by step algorithm?
  13. Evgen K

    Pair Bluetooth and Window Laptop?

    Hi guys, Is it possible to connect Window 11 laptop and MG4 via Bluetooth, to play music for example? Both my MG4 and Win Laptop are discoverable. But neither Laptop see MG4 in accessible device nor MG4 see my laptop. Could you please help me with it?
  14. Evgen K

    R63 charging limit stuck at 90%.

    Just go to the dealer and show them the bug, they must fix it. It was theirs fail. Or read this thread - MG4 Software Update Thread
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