Recent content by Expat Ever

  1. Expat Ever

    What model is this?

    Here's a link to the ad: Facebook
  2. Expat Ever

    What model is this?

    This is advertised on Facebook but the seller in Thailand hasn't given details of the actual model beyond 2024 MG4X. I have a 2022 MG4 (Thai) Model X and it doesn't look like this! I haven't yet seen an XPower in the flesh but the price shown looks too cheap for it to be that. Any ideas?
  3. Expat Ever

    MG iSmart App Country Differences?

    My Thailand model X (same as the UK Trophy I believe) was supplied with a dumb 7kW wall charger and the iSmart Android App. Both charger and app seem pretty useless as far as charging management goes as the wall charger needs to be in Bluetooth range and it appears there's no way to schedule...
  4. Expat Ever

    Crash due to Lane keep assist.

    How do you put the car into towing mode? I've not seen a menu option for that (my MG4 is the Thai Model X which is believe is the same as the UK Trophy).
  5. Expat Ever

    Battery Management Data Gone Wild! Anyone else?

    About a week after my first post, I Took my car to the local dealer armed with a couple of pages of pictures showing the "Plug In" reminder even with the battery as high as 98% along with some range estimates that would imply almost 600km on a full charge. They played with the main screen menus...
  6. Expat Ever

    Battery Management Data Gone Wild! Anyone else?

    Several times in the last 6 months or so the car has requested charging connection when 50% or more battery remaining is indicated. More recently (since the start of October) it's gone completely crazy (see the attached pics.) until I accidently let it charge to 100% at the weekend when it...
  7. Expat Ever

    Adaptive Cruise Control - Braking either on or off?

    I guess that makes some sense now that you mention it. I'll give it a try at the next opportunity. Thanks for your reply.
  8. Expat Ever

    Adaptive Cruise Control - Braking either on or off?

    I've rarely had the opportunity (or motivation) to use ACC but a recent longish trip on fairly fast straightish highways seemed like a good time to try it again. Sadly, despite an OTA firmware update and a 20,000 km service earlier this year I found that it seems incapable of the kind of...
  9. Expat Ever

    Charging during a Brown Out

    Many thanks.
  10. Expat Ever

    Charging during a Brown Out

    Normal mains supply here in Thailand is 220v 50Hz, but this evening it's down to 214-215v - possibly due to the extensive flooding for the past couple of weeks here in Chiang Mai. The meter by my MG wall charger is showing 215V, 30.9A and a charge rate of 6.5kW See attached picture (the kWh...
  11. Expat Ever

    Creak in rear/boot

    Armed with some useful info from this thread (and Google Translate) I finally got round to taking my 18 month old MG4 (Thailand model X ) to the local dealer. The entrance to my children's school has a small bridge over a drainage canal with a steep ramp and turning left onto it caused what...
  12. Expat Ever

    Switching off greeting?

    My car's greeting is truly annoying: about 2 or 3 minutes of local weather and other stuff none of which I understand as it's all in Thai. Worst of all, it all but mutes Radio 4 while it's playing so I miss great chunks of the shipping forecast - good job I'm not in Rockall, Malin or...
  13. Expat Ever

    Goodbye MG4 Trophy!

    I'm still loving mine. Despite expecting a range drop in hot weather, this year's heatwave (weeks at a time with daily temperatures of 37 - 41° C) has really driven the point home with the remaining range reading falling by up to 8okm the moment the aircon starts and it's showing 19kwh per...
  14. Expat Ever

    MG4 Depreciation

    I have a slightly different take on this. I live in Thailand, bought my MG4 Model X (Trophy equivalent) 13 months ago and love driving it every time I get on the road, despite having driven most BEVs available here and owning a BYD Dolphin as a second car. The MG cost 869,000 THB (about £19k...
  15. Expat Ever

    How to Leave my MG4 parked but movable?

    Thanks for your speedy replies - I was afraid that would be the case. I believe the BYD Dolphin my son drives has a towing mode which sounds like just the job.
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