Funks's latest activity

  • Funks
    Funks replied to the thread Where's the odometer?.
    Not wanting to get off topic here, but @#10 my iSmart is V2.0.7 and I cant find the Odo reading. What's the latest version and where...
  • Funks
    Funks reacted to Martinonline's post in the thread Equalisation charging MG4 with Like Like.
    One warning though, the app/car sometimes resets the target battery level to 100% so a quick check before you start charging is a good...
  • Funks
    Funks replied to the thread Privacy Notice Declined.
    Update 😟 I've fixed part of my problem; I didn’t scroll the screen up from selecting the Privacy / EULA agreement. Now all the Map...
  • Funks
    Funks replied to the thread Equalisation charging MG4.
    Thanks everyone, I've now got a better understanding of what’s involved with charging my EV. (y)(y)(y) :)
  • Funks
    Funks reacted to Ian Key's post in the thread Equalisation charging MG4 with Like Like.
    EVSE - Electric vehicle supply equipment GOM - GuessOMeter. It's an indication of the amount of range left. But because this varies in...
  • Funks
    Funks replied to the thread Equalisation charging MG4.
    Ah! Got it! 🙂 So I set the 80% charge in the car as the "target" charge level, and set the Ohme charge level in its % terms, to give...
  • Funks
    Funks reacted to Martinonline's post in the thread Equalisation charging MG4 with Like Like.
    With the Trophy battery type, you should only charge to >80% when you need it. Your Ohme EVSE cannot know the charge level of the car...
  • Funks
    Funks replied to the thread Equalisation charging MG4.
    @#5 Whoa!! I'm looking up, and yes, that went straight over my head! :oops: I'm a simple guy and I plug my car into the charger socket...
  • Funks
    Funks reacted to ilukey77's post in the thread Wish list of MG4 improvements with Like Like.
    The on is not as much the issue as the off part you can never really turn the car off when sitting in the car .. Yes there is a power...
  • Funks
    Funks reacted to Kithmo's post in the thread Wish list of MG4 improvements with Like Like.
    Not necessary, flooring the accelerator pedal gives full power no matter which mode you're in.
  • Funks
    Funks replied to the thread Privacy Notice Declined.
    I need some help please! 🙏 Today I've followed the suggestions by Ian at #9 above, but unfortunately I'm still stuck. I go to Settings...
    • MG4 02.jpg
    • MG4 03.jpg
    • MG4 05.jpg
  • Funks
    Funks replied to the thread Equalisation charging MG4.
    Thanks, that’s great to know. I've never had a reminder on the dash, so that’s good news. As it happens I did a 100% charge just last...
  • Funks
    Funks reacted to dsimpkins's post in the thread Equalisation charging MG4 with Like Like.
    Just do a charge to 100% about once a month. It will balance at the end of charging, will draw a small amount of power for about 30...
  • Funks
    Funks reacted to redmg4's post in the thread Equalisation charging MG4 with Like Like.
    How do l know when this is needed, and how do l do it? My MG 4 is the revised version with rear wash wiper and 64 kWh battery.
  • Funks
    Funks replied to the thread Equalisation charging MG4.
    I'd like to know too, please. I mostly charge at home, ie 7Kw, and I've only ever done 5 fast charges at public charges in the 7 months...
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