Recent content by GraemeW

  1. G

    Mismatch between fuel and display

    Thank you Topbloke (you live up to your name!). I will continue to monitor carefully and see how it goes
  2. G

    Mismatch between fuel and display

    I guess the in car display figures are the higher ones? The percentage errors you are showing are probably not unusual for most cars. My calcs on previous cars showed similar variations (spreadsheets!). I spoke to the garage but not particularly interest other than asked me to do another...
  3. G

    Mismatch between fuel and display

    I used 0.22 litres to gallons The heater was set to 21 but the point is the incar display (the one everyone takes as true) showed 52 for the full length of the trip. This is "not bad" (would have liked better) indicating some contribution from the hybrid elements. But it was costing much more...
  4. G

    Mismatch between fuel and display

    With all my cars I have kept a record of the individual refuelling stops against mileage. The MG3 hybrid is no exception but I am seeing some concerning figures. At the moment, over 1080 miles I have recorded only 43mpg so, last weekend, with a 400mile run up and down the A1 planned. I filled...
  5. G

    small steering wheel

    …. And the Pilot settings need to be correctly set.
  6. G

    Balancing the narrative of good and bad

    I will never Google an illness because I always imagine the worse case. In the same way, all the negatives that get posted in forums always make me expect troubles. It took a long run the other day before I could turn round to my wife and say how much I enjoyed driving the car. It just takes a...
  7. G

    What is wrong with your MG3-Hybrid (ONLY)

    This has been well documented on other sites, mainly by European drivers who encounter long hills more frequently. Apparently the problem is due to the petrol engine continuing to charge the battery, losing about half its power rather than using full power to keep the car moving. Supposed to be...
  8. G

    An awful drive out today

    I think the ferocity of the correction can be adjusted too!
  9. G

    Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2 Install

    The main issue with the Mercedes solution is that by their interpretation of the law, it doesn’t self start. The recordings use a memory stick. I put a garmin, the basic one from Halfords, on my mg3 plugged into the mirror consul connection and it works very well.
  10. G

    CarPlay Adapter

    I don’t really think plugging into a socket right next to a convenient storage place for the phone is too much hassle. From what I noted from earlier, finding an adaptor isn’t straightforward. If you don’t charge, you will still use the power and that would have to be replaced by charging...
  11. G

    CarPlay Adapter

    Why do you need an adaptor? It works just fine hard wired and charges too. What am I missing here?
  12. G

    Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2 Install

    Mercedes did that and charged £200 to activate!
  13. G

    MG3 Hybrid Service Manual

    Thanks siteguru. Useful info
  14. G

    Glasses case holder

    My earlier comment was wrong. Got confused with another model. My car doesn’t have one either.
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