Not anything special, and that's probably the problem!
Its ok apart from the starting....I have another one that does start recording in all modes, but the recording quality is poor. Trying to avoid getting another one... not sure if a filter or something on...
Hi, a bit of strange one but would be interested to know if anybody has any ideas to resolve...other than to get another dashcam!
When starting the car (73 plate ZS SE Long Range) the dash cam boots but does not auto start the recording.
If I unplug and re plug in cam all starts auto recording...
I have 73 plate ZS SE. No services yet.
10th letter of the VIN is P
Tried at weekend on an open to all tesla charger and got "Unauthorized Vehicle" in the Tesla up when attempting charge. Disappointed ;-(
Based on my experiments it seems that braking does not use regen in that other peoples view?
Different kers setting impacts the regen but for example if on kers 1 and then use the brake it seems to be capped at a lower level, kers 2 a slightly higher level etc..
My previous leaf...
I've found auto to be very fussy on cable connection. For communications it very sensitive, whereas charging will work with pretty much any dodgy cable. So suggesting cable as the most likely point of failure
Hi, New to the forum as only just taken delivery in the UK, of my MG ZS EV SE Long range. Been looking for a list of current versions for the same to confirm I have the latest. Is there a list anywhere? Or can anybody advise on the current visions?
Really want to know I have the latest...
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