Recent content by hmadsen

  1. H

    ACC/Front Detection disabling itself - interference?

    So Just to remove a misunderstanding here. The ZS EV does not have Lidar. It has a Radar (Well, 3 if it is the version with blind spot monitoring). Lidar is something quite different from radar.
  2. H

    Rapid charging only 22kW on Mk2 MG ZS EV SR

    I have tried a few times where my car was not charged up for a longer trip and suddenly work called and asked me to do this longer trip so had to do a charge session pretty quickly after leaving so not had time to heat the battery. It really DOES impact the charge speed, once i elected to go to...
  3. H

    Help! Ran both batteries down!

    This seems to vary wildly from brand to brand. (I saw a Danish EV car reviewer in some sort of Chinese car, that ran out when it had an indicated SoT of 4% and he was 1 mile from the charger....Car went from "This is fine" to "Yeah i dont want to drive any further" in literal seconds) To be...
  4. H

    Rapid charging only 22kW on Mk2 MG ZS EV SR

    Once in my Tesla i had to do a 100 mile trip to a SuC, the car started with the battery at negative 11 celcius and the destination was set for the supercharger. Travel time was about 1½ hours. The "Preheating battery for fast charging" message popped up as soon as i put it in drive in the...
  5. H

    Passenger seat height adjustment

    Because i simply do not fit inside of the car before the seat is all the way back. When we had the ZS EV as our daily driver, my wife would always adjust the seat to fit her and when i came and dove into the car i would be completely pinned and had to awkwardly get one hand down and press the...
  6. H

    So do you like your MG ZS EV?

    Here atleast, the mats were an optional extra, i did not tick the box for mats so i did not get them. To be honest, i owned a ZS EV previously and got the standard mat set and it was very obviously a very cheap set of mats that were not at all any good. This time i did not order them as they...
  7. H

    Noisy sound on level1 fan settings? Its not quiet until I turn off whole temp button!

    I bet that is down to sound proofing, they all tick, you probably just dont hear it on more "expensive" cars.
  8. H

    Help! Ran both batteries down!

    If i were you i might try this. 1. Charge the 12V battery until it has sufficient charge to run the Low voltage stuff in the car (2 hours should be sufficient, depending on the charge capabilities of the charger). 2. Remove the granny charger from the charge port 3. Remove the negative...
  9. H

    Help! Ran both batteries down!

    You dont have it on a charge timer by chance. (The car, not the charger offcourse) If it is set to charge at a specific time, it will not start before that time has arrived.
  10. H

    GPS countries included

    To be fair, his is the "luxury" which seems to be like the "Trophy connect" so he would probably have live traffic. Of course not, if the maps for his country is not included in the map package though. :)
  11. H

    Noisy sound on level1 fan settings? Its not quiet until I turn off whole temp button!

    Isn't the ticking "just" metal expanding or contracting noises. I remember back from when i drove an ICE car, on hot days, when you would park the car, the exhaust would ping away for minutes while the metal contracted.
  12. H

    Passenger seat height adjustment

    To be honest, with the speed of the electric seats i would also much rather have manual. My Tesla with memory seats pushes the seat all the way back when parking and the moves into position when putting it in D. On the MG, which my wife who is 8 inches shorter than me drives 90% of the time it...
  13. H

    Android Auto

    If you have just had the car delivered part of the PDI would have been to fully update all hardware modules in the car to the latest firmware version. At least that's what i was told by the Danish dealer I bought from....It is a bulletpoint on their PDI to make sure the MG computer says "All...
  14. H

    ZS EV camera quality

    This is the camera in the Gen 2
  15. H

    Charging Limit

    Could easily be mitigated with "PIN to drive" :)
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