Recent content by inca

  1. I

    Rev’s stick 2000 rpm

    Had the ZS hybrid+ since December and it started sticking at 2000rpm and accelerator vibrates. I have to stop for to go into EV mode for it to reset but even crawling at 10 mph still 2000 rpm & vibrating pedal until I stop. This is the 3rd time it’s happened now. Anyone having same problem...
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    It only runs for 10mins max and stays locked, mine been great for this cold weather. Picked mine up end of Dec. The car is secure.
  3. I

    Warning Beeps

    lol! I know what you mean, I have 3 speed cameras on a quarter of a mile stretch 1 min from my home. I can’t a void them.
  4. I

    Warning Beeps

    Happened to me last night & today, I’m sure it’s to do with lane assist as all my other alerts have been fine.
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    USB Music : Limitations ?

    I have a 256 GB USB stub in mine, which will hold a lot of albums and playlists, and I have had no problems so far other than everytime I turn the car off when I get back in it automatically goes on to random play and I have to choose the file I want once again.
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    I just turn off my global data switch & privacy, then turned them back on and app is working fine again. Cheers mate 👍
  7. I


    If it don’t work when it’s freezing, it pointless, mine been fine till 08.01 this morning. It’s stuck on that update time. Tracker still works tho so cold not effecting signal
  8. I


    Mine not working too, trying to unbind and reset but it doesn’t send the code so I take it it’s their side. Hopefully they fix it soon, missed it this frosty morning.
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