Recent content by jackhill1

  1. jackhill1

    Charging MG 4Trophy

    Thank you all who replied
  2. jackhill1

    Charging MG 4Trophy

    I have been charging my MG 4 for 6 months without a problem with my Podpoint charger which is 7kW charger, but when I view the charging rate it shows only 5.5 kW. Is this correct.
  3. jackhill1


    You will find that because of the temperature, batteries always lose their charge value. You will also find that during the summer your consumption will be around the 4 to 5 miles per kWh. Now in winter about 2 to 3 miles per kWh. Also when driving always select eco drive mode it all helps.
  4. jackhill1

    Power from MG PHEV to Home

    Can anyone recommend a reliable V2H for adaptor for my MG4 Trophy long range
  5. jackhill1

    Difference between Eco, normal and sport modes

    If your car is new, the warranty should cover cost.
  6. jackhill1

    failure cruise control, headlights and speed recognition system

    Very interesting. It just makes you wonder each time you start, which system is false today. But will bear in mind to power off wait for short time before power on. Thanks
  7. jackhill1

    failure cruise control, headlights and speed recognition system

    There is now snow in south England and car was in garage. Plus car was cleaned. The mystery was why did it clear by itself later.
  8. jackhill1

    failure cruise control, headlights and speed recognition system

    I have an MG4 trophy long range. This morning, I started my car but found that my headlights were not available, then, everytime I selected speed recognision on, it kept tripping off. To cap it all, I could not activate my cruise control. After getting to my destination I locked the car. When I...
  9. jackhill1

    Tyre pressures

    I picked up my MG 4 Trophy in May but my symbols are un bar for tyre pressure. I have asked on MGEV before but nobody seems to know how to change. I've asked MG dealer answer were there none.
  10. jackhill1

    Difference between Eco, normal and sport modes

    When you look at the screen in font of you, you will see it is set to normal, it will show you the range, now select sport and you will see range drops now select eco and you will see high range of miles.
  11. jackhill1

    Tyre pressure symbols (units)

    An interesting thought, I will contact dealer. It is strange when my brother and I have same car and both show different pressure symbols
  12. jackhill1

    Tyre pressure symbols (units)

    Strange as my MG 4 has pressure in bar and my brother has it in pounds, so it must be changeable somewhere
  13. jackhill1

    Tyre pressure symbols (units)

    Can anybody tell me how to change the tyre pressure values from bar to PSI. On the display screen
  14. jackhill1

    Mg4 trophy refused to drive off

    This also happened to me two days ago. Your actions was exactly what I did all working since. Bit worrying.
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