Recent content by jgpev

  1. jgpev


    Here's a video of what happens once you've registered your car using the app on your next charge. :)
  2. jgpev


    I have used it at Fastned (Sandwich, UK) and can confirm it works! :)
  3. jgpev

    Change driver console display to show celcius instead of farenheit

    I wish I could have the F display... I feel I will try and ask during my annual service...
  4. jgpev

    Fitting of beam reflectors to MG5 for driving in Europe

    Thanks guys for this info! :)
  5. jgpev

    OVMS and MG5

    What version is this from? Any branch name, etc?
  6. jgpev

    Show off your car on collection day thread?

    5900% ?! Did Santander manage to land on list of sanctions?! That's a wee bit steep! Glad they got it fixed!
  7. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    I've always been going on aliexpress for cable caddy bags, but this is a good shout! :)
  8. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    I mean arctic is really too flimsy for these applications, hence the H07RN-F, but I do like the picture of the unruly cable being like training a snake haha!
  9. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    Using one of these cable carry bags was my initial idea, actually... but the problem is the moment you take the cable out it starts to have a mind of its own! ?
  10. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    shhhhhhhhh I might! Will mean I can charge on at least 75% of my street, once you include granny charger options (I have 2x 30m Masterplug reels of 1.25mm arctic flex from Costco, which while not ideal, do the job at 10 amps). On facebook people were (per usual) panicking about fire risks, but...
  11. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    For lamp post charging on Ubitricity... each car in the way is roughly 5m extra, so I can now be 5 cars away from lamp post. :)
  12. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    As a bit of a teaser... I also have this reel of 80 metres 4mm 4-core H07RN-F as well... ;)
  13. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    Another point is that the overall price of this cable isn't massively more than your average 5 metre cable... which suggests someone is making considerable profit somewhere. Also, most people making EV cables use special EV cabling with a thinner communications wire, but I concluded buying...
  14. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    My understanding is the female ends are in high demand, probably due to building lots of tethered cables... that said, if you look at local UK suppliers, I'm used to seeing the cable ends easily over £60, so I think this is overall decent value.
  15. jgpev

    A Cable Long Enough to Get Around ICEing

    that's a potentially good shout! I would think the caravan CEE connectors are a bit smaller than Type 2 EV Plugs, but this might work. Only question is if you are rating the sizing based on 3 core arctic flex... as 4 core H07RN-F is a good bit thicker...
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