Recent content by johnnyboy

  1. J

    Did you know what "follow me home" is for?

    As it is illegal to reverse out of your driveway in UK this function is totally irrelevant
  2. J

    Charging MG 4Trophy

    If everyone is using their chargers at the same time, then the rate of charge will be reduced. It will all depend on the time you set your car for charging. If there are a large number of cars charging from your particular sub station at night then this will reduce your charge
  3. J

    Unable to schedule or limit charging since software update

    Do you have dynamic charging switched off in car, need it switched on to set charging schedule
  4. J

    Not getting the advertised range on full charge

    Always remember, the more you switch on, the more power you use, eg infotainment system, lights, heater etc, all use power & so decrease your range
  5. J

    Charger trips out during charging

    Check power input to your home, if above 253V the charger will not work, older properties often have old cables & voltage is increased to compensate for this. If this is the case your network supplier will turn it down for you. I had this problem last year when I took delivery of my mg4.
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