Recent content by JohnS29

  1. JohnS29

    Any tips for parking up for 3 months?

    Thanks, I'd not spotted that in the manual!
  2. JohnS29

    Any tips for parking up for 3 months?

    Thanks to all, very helpful comments.
  3. JohnS29

    Any tips for parking up for 3 months?

    I'd appreciate any advice about leaving my MG4 Trophy 77kWh parked up for 3 months this coming winter (south of England). I note the manual says don't let the charge drop below 50%, but should I expect the car to drain 30+ kWh from the battery when it's parked? Thoughts welcomed, thanks.
  4. JohnS29

    Darker evenings ahead...

    This may have been raised before, but could be a helpful tip for new MG4 drivers. I drove my MG4 in the dark for the first time recently and had the alarming experience of switching to full beam - and everything going black. I'd pushed the left stalk away from me for full beam, and inadvertently...
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