Recent content by jsa34

  1. J

    Range for used ZS EV

    Apologies! I had removed the link, but since put back as I've decided against this particular one. Thank you so much for the advice again. So invaluable!
  2. J

    Range for used ZS EV

    All really good points. I just noticed the warning sign, too. My first concern was the two previous owners, but the battery was my biggest worry. I am sensing a few red flags the more I look at it now. I'm glad I joined this forum now! Thank you for all your advice so far, @fred12345. I...
  3. J

    Range for used ZS EV

    Hello! Thank you for the kind reply. I thought so, but wondered if it had permanently affected battery capacity, or just affected because it stores usage pattern and if the driver wasn't careful their average is much lower than expected. Good point about search the forums - I will take a...
  4. J

    Range for used ZS EV

    Hello all, Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question. I am looking at my first EV and seen one I am interested in second hand. It has a photo of the battery status: 24% / range 32 miles (so I assume 100% would be 133 miles at this ratio) This seems way off what I assumed would be the...
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