Recent content by Macadoodle

  1. M

    Rust Issues

    My 4 has seen 3 Highland winters now, fair amount of driving on salted roads and very few washes during those winter months - not worth bothering with a black car ;) Gave it a decent wash on Saturday, jetted behind the arch liners and along the length of the sills, all looks fine TBH. The...
  2. M

    Servicing 'extras'

    Aye, the dealerships are no doubt struggling, the century long gravy train of ICE repair is slowly closing. Doesn't excuse theft by deception though IMO :(
  3. M

    Servicing 'extras'

    Yep, typical upselling BS, some might call it attempted robbery TBH. The ' brake pipe cleaning' is a new one though :unsure: Can you not find a machine shop that will skim your discs ? I know they get scabby but I would imagine they will have at least one tickle in them before they hit the min...
  4. M

    Small tear on the side of the rear bumper - replace or repair?

    Check out Grant's smart repairs on the youtube. Operates in the North London area, seems very honest and skilled judging by his uploads. That split should stitch and weld easily enough, skim of filler and bob's yer auntie ;)
  5. M

    MG4 Windscreen Quality

    I have my suspicions re quality but it's difficult to say for sure. The local councils in the UK have never been more penniless if they're to be believed and this is reflected in the conditions of the roads surfaces nationwide I think. The screen on mine lasted 2 years almost to the day before a...
  6. M

    Loud thump/vibration when DC fast charging

    Pretty sure i remember Tesla owners commenting about a similar noise a few years back, was traced to the battery casing flexing due to the heat from rapid charging :unsure:
  7. M

    MG4 Low Charging speed compared to friends EV

    Makes me wonder why manufacturers don't do away with on board chargers and just have a simple DC port. It would save a decent amount of weight, space and cost . Home chargers would be more expensive with the step up transformer and rectifier it would need but I can't see it being prohibitive...
  8. M

    Highest mileage MG4 owner

    Me too, 20k was the best I could do with the fronts on a 2.0 tdi Leon estate I had before the MG. I've driven 'with spirit' in the 30k I've covered in the MG so far, made use of the crisp handling on the twisty roads in this area and quite often have to apply a dab of opposite lock leaving...
  9. M

    Highest mileage MG4 owner

    Good to hear your update spence, nearly 100k now, wow ! Interesting that you say you couldn't notice any difference between a much lower mileage one and yours, this is a major advantage of EV's IMO, the simple turbine smooth power unit is kind to the rest of the car I think. An ICE's pistons...
  10. M

    Adjust steering wheel

    I've not yet had the chance to sit in a model 3 but I have noticed an enticingly low and vertical looking steering wheel on cars that I've looked at while walking past. Might be the only thing I would get on with though, Tesla's minimalist interiors don't float my boat :confused: MX5 is lovely...
  11. M

    Front view camera port steamed up causing loss of function of all camera safety features

    The camera clips into a plastic holder that's bonded to the windscreen, there's a 2 piece plastic cover that clips over the camera/ holder . The cover is fairly easy to prise off but a little fiddly to reinstall as the mirror gets in the way . There must be data processing happening within the...
  12. M

    MG4 Ticking/Rattling Noise Coming From Behind The Steering Wheel This should be what you need.
  13. M

    How Low Can You Go .... (SoC)

    The luxury I must admit I miss from ICE, doubt batteries will ever compete with the energy density of liquid fuel in my lifetime. Pretty much all I miss though :)
  14. M

    How Low Can You Go .... (SoC)

    Reminded me of the Ford focus I ran a decade ago, I had a gizmo wired in-line with the common rail pressure sensor which 'tricked' it into running higher pressure thus giving more power. Fine for a good couple of years until one rainy January evening at 60 mph I heard a faint 'ping' and the...
  15. M

    Tried "Intelligent battery heating" for the first time. It's not intelligent!

    It's possible I guess. I'm so opposed to using public charging that I usually arrive home with 20% or so, try to balance charge once weekly though.
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