Recent content by Mack1410

  1. Mack1410

    Underbody car cleaner gadget

    Your karcher appears to have 3 extension sections have you added an extra one? Mine only has two.
  2. Mack1410

    Windscreen wiper obstructed by bonnet

    Need to 'park' the wipers see manual
  3. Mack1410

    Wheel trims

    They are very hard to remove you need to work your way one segment at a time releasing each a little bit until one finally comes free. Note trims scratch the alloys. Binned mine and got some proper alloys, don't want a flat tyre and unable to change wheel because of a stubborn trim.
  4. Mack1410

    3D Printed wall charger cable holster/hanger

    Here's one I had done by my brother in law. Welded plate on side of existing bracket to take holster.
  5. Mack1410

    Low mileage service.

    Printed off service book too. Have them complete and stamp it each time.
  6. Mack1410

    Archived Pearl Black Super Sharks Fin Antenna For MG ZS EV

    Pearl Black Super Sharks Fin Antenna Purchased 2 in error. £13 - includes postage.
  7. Mack1410

    Shorter aerials

    Any link?
  8. Mack1410

    Anyone identify this

    Opened the bonnet and found this lying on the front plastic trim. Looks lie a syphon anyone know what it is. Car recently been in for service so assume mechanic left it there. Its about 6 inched long black plastic.
  9. Mack1410

    Noise from zs ev 2020

    Wheel balancing
  10. Mack1410

    MG ZS EV - 2024 - Map updates

    Worked a treat, now have 2023 Q4 Maps. Thanks I did have to delete the 2 additional files to get the car to read map update file. But all sweet. Warning!!! It took 4 hours to download map update to PC and 3 hours to copy update to USB, (that's probably dependent on your internet speed) and...
  11. Mack1410

    Buying a 2023 MG ZS EV with 5,000 km from MG Dealer! Seeking Advice

    700$ seems expensive there are independent tint companies that will do it cheaper, in UK I Paid £150. Make sure dealer 'unbinds' car
  12. Mack1410

    What topic should we cover in our next podcast?

    Map updates, how to.
  13. Mack1410

    Drink / Drive over the limit

    This is bollo***! Similarly a person can't be charged with shoplifting until they leave the store without paying, even if they have pocketed the item. A good lawyer would have police in court for wrongful arrest, compenstion inbound!
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