Recent content by MBarber87

  1. MBarber87

    MG4 internet, data limits

    For everybody having data issues like me, is it the case that the blue data circle button is stuck gray and will not turn blue no matter how much you press it? Also, you can go deeper into setting and turn data switch on. But it makes no difference. I'm confused by wifi in this car, what is...
  2. MBarber87

    Any idea how to deactivate the passenger airbag? MG4 Trophy

    Absolutely. All opinions welcome.
  3. MBarber87

    Any idea how to deactivate the passenger airbag? MG4 Trophy

    I think opinions would be split on this. I've done a bit of reading and it's not black and white. An airbag is designed for an adult, its designed to absorb the force of an adult torso of a certain height, not a child whose head is 12 inches lower and weights not even 25% of me. In my opinion...
  4. MBarber87

    Any idea how to deactivate the passenger airbag? MG4 Trophy

    Thankyou gentlemen, I remain consistently unobservant.
  5. MBarber87

    Any idea how to deactivate the passenger airbag? MG4 Trophy

    Going on a family road trip this weekend and my 6 year old son would love to sit in the front seat (with his car seat obviously). I would like to deactivate the airbag but can't seem to find the switch anywhere. Thanks
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