Saw today a new rear spoiler on a french forum.
Becquet / Extension CAP pour MG Mulan / 4 (depuis 2022) - : Votre Leader Français pour les ailerons et becquets
If thinking about a whole pv system (including inverter, energy manager, charger, even battery) see SMA, i can confirm it works very well in switching automaticaly from 1 - 3 phase and back on MG4 luxury also following the available current on pure sunpower operates flawless. My setup is first...
I can report that the 64kWh (luxury) will charge at 11kW. I installed myself a SMA 22kW charger (on an SMA solarsystem with home manager 2) As the car only can charge 11kW I reduced the power from 22kW to 11kW in the software; the wiring didn't need to be 6mm² but only 2,5mm². The system can...
This is Homedes!gn
Photo/scan, draw, cut, apply.
I made 4 centercaps (no 3D printed) and other vinyl logo decals.
My avatar is a round keyholder with a luminescent MG logo.
Busy to des!gn a doorsill protector with luminescent inlay.
I think 22 kW is 32 amps and not 16 amps as mentioned.
Till a year ago not many cars support 22 kW as 11 kW was standard on 3 phase but it will change.
I'm now installing a charger (SMA 22 kW) which can switch from 1 to 3 phase and back automatically. I hope the MG will follow this protocol...
Today 2 deg C preheated the car but didn’'t finished the 10 minuten preheating, drove the 4 but only feezing temp in the car even after a new start’ same issue. Back home did the preheating again for the full 10 minutes, everything worked as normal. Maybe this is the solution?
Mine did some strange things too, rear tyres 2,4 and low pressure alert, front tyres 2,4 and no warning? Also ones 1 rear at 2,3 with warning other rear 2,3 and no warning, I think the drivers are the beta testers???
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