Recent content by MG4JP

  1. MG4JP

    MG4 Central vibration/rattle

    Happy for you all who have found and solved your rattles. I still have the same as from when the car was new. I've tried searching for the source but never found it. Pretty sure it's comes from directly behind/around the wheel (left-hand drive here). It has subsidised a bit now during winter...
  2. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    You can scroll through 3 counters in total*: "From Start", "From last charge" and "Accumulated Total". "From Start" will reset each time you start the car (if half an hour or more has passed since the last start, otherwise it will keep going); "From last charge" will reset every time you...
  3. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    Updated the first post, with February's data: PeriodDistance (km)Efficiency (kWh/100km)Average Speed (km/h)Up Time February 2025 161115.8 (3.93 mi/kWh) 3347:44 Current overall combined efficiency (12,120km): 15.2 kWh/100km (4.09 mi/kWh)
  4. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    Yesterday, I had to make an unexpected journey to my home in the middle of the day, so I left work in a hurry and did both journeys as quickly as possible. Luckily, I have a motorway available near me that covers 90% of the journey between home and work, which I use when I'm very late or in...
  5. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    I understand that. In fact, that's exactly where I started: What I'm getting at is that the heating part is what affects the mileage the most... by a landslide.
  6. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    It has been long since I've used an ICE car on these conditions and that wasn't really the point of my comment. I'm strictly commenting on how much more impact heating seems to have on this car vs other electrics I've used in the past.
  7. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    That's a good, valid point. Yes, my main drives are mostly short ones (15km) and that increases the heater use. Having said that, the pattern of my driving is the same as with my previous cars and that's what I'm finding strange. And while I did not hold back in keeping myself warm, I did...
  8. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    Updated the first post, with January's data: Period Distance (km) Efficiency (kWh/100km) Average Speed (km/h) Up Time January 2025 1656 16.9 (3.68 mi/kWh) 33 49:42 Overall combined efficiency (so far): 15.1 kWh/100km (4.11 mi/kWh) It is very clear to me now that heating takes a huge...
  9. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    Indeed, some people take pleasure in doing things that will never make sense to others. Happens to everyone and all the time. Expensive hobbies are another good source of examples of this. But actually, in this case, I can tell you of at least one reason as to "why" doing this: When planning...
  10. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    Updated the first post, with December's data: Period Distance (km) Efficiency (kWh/100km) Average Speed (km/h) Up Time December 1431 15.6 (3.98 mi/kWh) 34 42:06 Overall combined efficiency (so far): 14.78 kWh/100km (4.20 mi/kWh) @salty For someone who doesn't understand or care about...
  11. MG4JP

    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    My suggestion for OPD would be simply to add it as another regen setting, meaning you could cycle through regens 1-2-3-A-OPD. When it couldn't be activated, then a simple message would pop up and it would skip to the next regen setting. I'll also add that: The chosen regen setting should not...
  12. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    Updated the first post, with November's data: Period Distance (km) Efficiency (kWh/100km) Average Speed (km/h) Up Time November 1408 15.3 (4.06 mi/kWh) 36 38:16 Overall combined efficiency (so far): 14.62 kWh/100km (4.25 mi/kWh)
  13. MG4JP

    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    I may come back for more, but for now I'd only like to suggest that: "Discharging" mode to be given more control, including scheduling and the ability to be controlled via app.
  14. MG4JP

    Great day out with your MG? Post up a picture ?

    Diamond Red seems to fit autumn colours really well.
  15. MG4JP

    Keeping track of my MG4 (efficiency)

    Yes. Lots of time wasted sitting in traffic, dropping the kid at school, going to the factory then to the office (my work involves being in two different places almost everyday). Even the manoeuvres needed for parking the car in the apartment building garage takes some time. Also, because of...
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