Recent content by Nudge

  1. N

    Did the option of charging the car up to 80% disappear?

    Ok. Should update my profile as now X Power
  2. N

    Did the option of charging the car up to 80% disappear?

    Still available in my spp
  3. N

    Xpower, the right choice?

    Just changed from Mg4 Trophy to X-Power. Better ride than Mg4. Scary power and speed. Seems more economical than Mg4 but maybe me doing more careful. Got ex demonstrator for just under £26, few marks which dealer fixed and 8 months old with under 4000 miles. Nice care for money
  4. N


    Guys is there a procedure to unbind app from one MG and then bind it to another. Ask as changing cars in a few weeks time
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