Recent content by onkeldunkel

  1. O

    MG Cyberster Charger Flap issue

    You might already mentioned this and/or tried it :-). But have you tried pressing in/putting pressure on the charge flap and then unlock the car when this happens. That sometimes helped on my old Tesla - on the charge port and frunk.
  2. O

    Pics of your (own) Cyberster

    I'm still waiting for my own Cyberster, so would love to see pictures of others/new owners cars. If you have aftermarket wheels on it - it's an extra bonus :)
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    The sun is shining and it's 15 degrees here in Copenhagen - I can't wait anymore :). I just asked my dealer for an update.
  4. O

    Wireless Android Auto / Apple CarPlay adapters

    Not necessarily - for short trips I think it's really nice not having to plug in the phone every time. But I agree on long trips the battery becomes an issue.
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    Wireless Android Auto / Apple CarPlay adapters

    Not having to plug in your phone every time you drive your car? :-)
  6. O

    Wireless Android Auto / Apple CarPlay adapters

    Great idea/setup - the only reason for using the 12V socket in the trunk is the amount of power. The USB C socket under the armrest is only 1.5A/5W (if I remember correctly) and the one in the trunk is 120W allowing for much faster charging - e.g. using the Apple Magsafe wireless adapter that...
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    Wireless Android Auto / Apple CarPlay adapters

    This is exactly what I'm planning to do :)
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    I just got the VIN for mine :-). Expected delivery start/mid-april.
  9. O

    Wireless Android Auto / Apple CarPlay adapters

    I'm still waiting for my car, so I will order the new Ottocast when released. Ottocast generally gets good reviews...
  10. O

    Broken Cyberster logo

    Oh, I misread - you said headligths :-). On my Model X it was the taillight I had smoked. On my Model S, I had a guy take the headlights apart and paint the inners black. It looked like smoked headlights, but leaving the actual glass part as-is.
  11. O

    Broken Cyberster logo

    I also had it on my Tesla and fortunately I was never pulled over :-) And I wrapped the calipers in reflective 3M wrap :). It looks cool, so I might do that on the Cyberster too. I had a company do it on my old Model S, but on my Model X, I did it myself :)
  12. O

    Broken Cyberster logo

    Looks nice - I really like it without the MG logo on the trunk. But looking at this, I will probably also remove the Cyberster logo to have a clean back (so no GT). I'm not a big fan of the blacked out area, but I'm considering to smoke the taillights to hide them a bit and maybe even black out...
  13. O

    Broken Cyberster logo

    I acutally like the Cyberster font/logo, but I will completely remove the back MG logo and maybe even the front one. I think they are way too big :)
  14. O

    CarPlay Stopped Working

    Try cleaning the lightning port on your iPhone. I assume it's a Lightning port? I had a similar issue on my VW GTE/Carplay and cleaning the lightning port helped. Guide:
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    Haha - that sounds like a fantastic plan and deal :cool::)
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