Recent content by PerthPete

  1. PerthPete

    Best practice for charging LFP batteries on MG4 se

    Not just an ordinary Youtuber........
  2. PerthPete

    Just taken the plunge and I already need more advice!

    There is a lot of stuff for MG4s on Amazon- floor mats, dash mats, charge cables, V2L adapters.... I bought a 22kw charge cable for $150 AUD....
  3. PerthPete

    ZS EV Mk2 51 kWh LFP battery - What is Your Voltage When Full?

    I've charged my MG4 51 to 100% once since I bought it 2 months ago. There was no indication that any balancing was going on. Do LFP batteries do it or is it just the Li-ion?
  4. PerthPete

    MG4 AC Performance

    I have mine set to 26 and it's still blows fairly cold..... Now running at 28 with fan speed 2, and it still feels cold.....
  5. PerthPete

    New MG4 owner - newbie tips

    You are correct. What was confusing me was that it should have started charging without using the app according to the procedure in the manual.
  6. PerthPete

    New MG4 owner - newbie tips

    Charging: don't spend money on a 7kw charger until you have lived with the car for a couple months. I was all set to get one but the granny charging is fine for my needs. If I get my percentage up a bit, I don't even charge for a few days [I have a 51]. Some public chargers don't have cables. I...
  7. PerthPete

    Best / most efficient regen braking setting?

    My MG4 which I’ve had for 6 weeks defaults to 3. But I’ve adapted to OPD which is great when you get the feel for it. Won’t need brake pads for a long time. Also, having a 51, I like the idea of having as much regen as possible.
  8. PerthPete

    Infotainment screen has gone blank

    Had this today…. I drove it, then got out of the car for a while but left it switched on, when I got back in the screen was black with MG logo. I drove it home, switched/locked it off. All good when I restarted half an hour later. I’ve had the car for a month….
  9. PerthPete

    MG4 Windows dropping?

    Yeh, that makes sense. I am enjoying it. It's a massive step up from the 12 year old Suzuki SX4 it replaced. Amazing driving experience.
  10. PerthPete

    MG4 Windows dropping?

    I’ve had my MG4 for a week. Windows have been found open twice. Once the passenger rear and once the passenger front. The buttons for these windows are closest to the edge of the door arm rest so I’m thinking it’s inadvertent operation of the window switches because they are right where you...
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