Might sort it on first service?? But if you have said they have already had it in then who knows..mine is deffo different now than it used to be..hope you get yours sorted..
Got my mg3 hybrid in November did the running in bit no excessive revving of engine etc until 900 miles...then just lately I have noticed it's not kicking down and excessively revving when going to overtake..smoother in town too..was wondering if it's had an "over the air update"?? If that's a...
I think it's to do with the regeneration on car..turn it to number one and give it a run where you can brake quite a bit..mine does it after been stood in wet weather for awhile..
Well it recognised my head unit as mg3 2023 and that's on the mg3 hybrid it showed the device Id and the 7 year subscription info was there....there may be an update coming but this is how it works at mo...get in touch with naviextras if you want confirmation..
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