Recent content by pksilver

  1. P

    MG EV 4 SE internal temperature display location

    probably a stupid question, but where is internal temperature displayed inside the MG 4 EV SE, I can find it on ismart app but the dashboard just seems to display the external temp?
  2. P

    Range loss in Winter

    Hmm mine is too although it’s an SE long range not a Trophy - I did get it battery checked and they said no issues found. Wonder if I should contact manufacturer.
  3. P

    Range loss in Winter

    Can I ask how old your car is - I get around 300 miles in summer but it drops to around 200 for winter
  4. P

    Range loss in Winter

    That’s decent but I'm wondering if the 100 % limit for winter weather can be increased in any way i.e.what your range shows at full charge before setting off - my current best is about 209mi.
  5. P

    Range loss in Winter

    Ok thanks I’m guessing as we aren’t into the coldest part of the year yet it could still drop further should I be concerned if it drops below 200 mi on 100 %?
  6. P

    Range loss in Winter

    Hi Team, I have an approx 2 yr old MG EV 4 SE with about 6,000 miles usage. I just wondered what was an acceptable reduced range in the cooler months. In August I was getting 307 miles at 100% charge (ECO), in Oct this dropped to 240 miles at 100% charge (ECO), now in Nov I am getting 210mi at...
  7. P

    EV car strategy

    Interesting, I would have thought most EV users that plan to keep their cars beyond its warranty period would be taking out an extended warranty due to the big worry about the cost of battery replacement (is it circa 8k?) but it seems that most are not worried about it!
  8. P

    EV car strategy

    Ah ok good to hear! So will you keep your ca lt beyond its warranted and take out an extended warranty plan ?
  9. P

    EV car strategy

    Hi all, Just bought a 2yr old used MG 4 EV with the intention of keeping it for 3 years so i can sell on with some warranty remaining but just wondered what most peoples' plan is when they buy a EV do they plan to keep long term or keep changing ever 3 year period? Does anyone keep beyond the...
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