Recent content by Porthole4

  1. P

    MG3 Hybrid.NOT SO GOOD !. 😡

    If you mean you hear clicks like an electronic relay (something like: ) after you push the start button to shut the car down - that's normal. I guess it's a relay (maybe a few) that disconnect the battery from the rest of the car for safety.
  2. P

    Stay in car with engine on?

    poping the hood also seems to make the ICE kick in, but might not be the most comfortable option, haha also in some versions breaking+stepping on the gas kicks in the ICE
  3. P

    Strange goings on.. (over-revving change in behaviour)

    I don't think there are OTA updates for the MG3
  4. P

    Annoying beeps

    go to 11:30 timestamp
  5. P

    MG3 Hybrid fuel cap is very difficult to open

    talking about the fuel cap, is there a place to put it while refueling? or should it just dangle by its cord?
  6. P

    New MG3 mysterious loud alert... help?

    It's a speed camera alert, you can turn it down: at 11:30
  7. P

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine
  8. P

    New MG3 Hybrid+ owner

    Umm, a compass?
  9. P

    Mg3 hybrid plus max speed

    The first 1500 km. (page 115)
  10. P

    Mg3 hybrid plus max speed

    I got up to about 145 km/h, the car was fine, nothing out of the ordinary. But take note that the manual states not to exceed 120 km/h while in the run-in period.
  11. P

    MG3 Hybrid Service Manual

    I meant the 1st link
  12. P

    MG3 Hybrid Service Manual

    The service manual link isn't working (error 404) - can someone update the link?
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