Recent content by prawlin

  1. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    I think you are overthinking it all @Martinonline AFAIK, the price you pay, is that which is in force on the day you renew it (not the day the VED actually starts from) So nobody will pay the new April 1st rates unless they are actually applying for it on or after April 1st. You got the...
  2. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Nah, I couldn’t do that. Mind you, if I knew the shower gel was going up next week, I certainly might buy 2 years supply now!! Ha, if we could do that with our VED, we could “buy” 10 years supply at today’s (FOC) price! I mean why ever not? 🤔. Peter
  3. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    I don’t even see it as a loophole really. I mean if you buy a years supply of shower gel, which goes up in price say next week. You don’t expect to pay the new increased price each time you shower with it. You only expect to pay the price that it was at, on the very day when you bought it. 😎...
  4. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    That’s true, but doing so would also avoid 2026 likely new rate rises that will likely apply from April 1st? And subsequent years too. So it might be better to retax it for March 1st perhaps? Peter
  5. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Checked mine and the VED enquiry site hasn’t updated yet. I got the email though and that confirms it. I’ll check it again later or tomorrow. I’m sure it will be fine in due course. Peter.
  6. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    That’s very odd! I certainly did on 2 process pages……
  7. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Yup. Ditto. All done, quick and easy. Mine was due September 2025, is now March 2026 😎👍😀 I expect we will see shedloads of meetoo messages this month. After that, this thread will presumably finally die off into cyberspace. Peter
  8. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    I bet it’s gone up again by April 2026 though!
  9. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    As alluded to earlier today, there’s nothing to stop you renewing it again next week AFAIK.
  10. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    No matter if it did, we have the entire month of March in which to calmly renew it 😉 Peter
  11. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Ist February! If waited just another 5 days it would be until 1st March. That’s what I’m doing. I deffo won’t forget. Peter
  12. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Unless maybe you can do it now but set it to start March 1st??
  13. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    I imagine they can’t be bothered. After all they’re soon gonna rake in zillions with the expensive car whopping surcharge. That is so unfair as so many standard EVs cost over £40k new! If they must have this, it should at least have a 15K larger threshold for EVs to make it comparable, or better...
  14. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Ah but ah but ah but….. If everyone (EVers) renews it in March this year, then we'll all be renewing in Feb/March next year anyway 😉. Which is actually an additional bonus plus for renewing it this coming March. It means going forward we will always be a full year behind on the inevitable price...
  15. P

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    I see now, thanks. I see now I actually made an error by referring to the registration document as V11. It’s actually V5C. Sorry about that. The V11 is the tax reminder which most won’t get before April. So it’s the V5C (registered in your name) that will be needed in order to re tax it online...
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