Recent content by ptw

  1. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    Thanks, I think I'll need it ☺️
  2. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    Here is an update on the regeneration problem. Back in October when I raised this on the forum, MG customer service emailed me to confirm that the ISL has no impact on brake regeneration. When I told them it was on my car they told me to take it inot a dealer for investigation. I took it in on...
  3. ptw

    Controlling the heating system

    Thanks for the detaiI. I tried them all and in the end just left it to auto
  4. ptw

    Controlling the heating system

    I did get an answer some time ago from MG support who said that the auto fan setting was an added functionality for poeple who wanted a higher flow of outside air. I didn't relay this to the forum as I really didn't see the point - I just leave it on auto and adjust the temperature. What I have...
  5. ptw

    I-Smart on two devices

    Thanks for the info, I have it set up on my wife's phone now this is on an MG Hybrid +
  6. ptw

    I-Smart on two devices

    Can you explain it a little more - I have found the Secondary account option and then Authorize and the Family Card is selected. Then there is a Usaere Account section - do I enter my wifes details here to establish an account for her?
  7. ptw

    Grinding Brakes

    To be fair I didn't keep the handbrake on, as soon as it gripped and had rapid deceleration I released it to stop them from locking up completely.
  8. ptw

    Grinding Brakes

    OK, I tried it out and it does apply the parking brake to all 4 wheels and quite severely, you need to release it as soon as it starts to brake otherwise all the wheels lock as you would expect in an emergency. So doing it at speed would be a reall no-no and very dangerous. It did clean the...
  9. ptw

    Grinding Brakes

    I would really like to know how you get on with this as I think it is a fairly common problem
  10. ptw

    Who has the most mileage on the MG3 Hybrid?

    I saw on an MG4 post (I think) that they have an Auto regen option, presumably so you don't have to manually change it to get an optimum setting, but I don't think they thought it was useful
  11. ptw

    Who has the most mileage on the MG3 Hybrid?

    I am just starting to get 60+ mpg around town since I changed to Eco mode and regen 3 but to get anywhere near that on long motorway type journeys I need to use Normal and Regen 2
  12. ptw

    MG3 Hybrid fuel cap is very difficult to open

    Superstar Clive ⭐⭐⭐ not intuitive at all though, although I was never very good at the Krypton Factor either (yiu need to be old to remember that TV programme 😅) As they say a picture paints a thousand words I'm really pleased to have found that out Regarding the difficult to open, I did try...
  13. ptw

    MG3 Hybrid fuel cap is very difficult to open

    I'm talking about a UK model
  14. ptw

    MG3 Hybrid fuel cap is very difficult to open

    But not on an MG3
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