Recent content by Rex Howells

  1. R

    Wheel alignment

    Thankyou for advice, it is much appreciated. Our MG has done 27,000km, and I have found the Michelin tyres very good. The front show little wear, I hadn't noticed the rear was a lot different, except right back looked a little more worn on the outer edge. The technician is very fussy , some...
  2. R

    Wheel alignment

    The front tyres didn't appear to have any abnormal wear at all except a minor bit if feathering on the edge if the left tyre, they told me most likely round abouts. The back right tyre has some wear on the outer edge , left tyre not so much.
  3. R

    Wheel alignment

    Yes , Thankyou. The front half - toe was +2.0mm LH -0.8 mm RH When adjusted was +1.1mm LH and +1.1mm RH The rear half -toe was +1.7mm LH +2.3mm RH It had a minor adjustment +1.7 mm LH +2.1 mm RH Thankyou for your reply, Appreciated .
  4. R

    Wheel alignment

    My mg zs ev, just had a wheel alignment, front good , but was told the back was out, and was non adjustable , and rear wheels are wearing faster than the front. Has any one else had this problem?
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