Recent content by Ruddaga

  1. Ruddaga

    X Power in the Wild.

    Here's mine.... Camouflaged in it's natural orange colour....
  2. Ruddaga

    Not sure MG4 X Power good idea

    I've had one a month and a bit now. Don't get me wrong, the fast acceleration is good for a lol when showing it off briefly to someone, but in reality I would prefer a larger battery as if you drive it with the fast acceleration off every red light / stop, it REALLY drains the battery a lot more...
  3. Ruddaga

    Brand New XPOWER - Data Not Working?

    Yeah I've had mine 6 days now :D
  4. Ruddaga

    Brand New XPOWER - Data Not Working?

    I had issues on the day of my pick up with the QR code not appearing. I went to sleep got in the car the next morning and it was there. /shrug
  5. Ruddaga

    Any modders on here. ?

    I went and looked at that site. No Volcano Orange option for the kit </3 Ah well I guess I'll just be patient
  6. Ruddaga

    Would you buy an MG 4 again?

    First week owning the Xpower. It's been a hoot flying off and leaving everyone else as specks in my rear vision mirror. The small details are irksome but so far I'm having a blast.
  7. Ruddaga

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    As I got the Orange Xpower, I had to leave the orange covers on. ORANGE AND BLACK ALL THE WAY
  8. Ruddaga

    Any modders on here. ?

    Man I just got my volcano orange Xpower this week... and I'm already bitten. I have to ask, how did you get the paint effect on the lower parts of the car? Is that just painted/wrapped or did you remove the black bits and that metal is underneath? Sorry if that's noob as but i love it. :D
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